Sunday, October 13, 2013

Samaritan Sunday (October 13, 2013) -- Rescued Photos

[If you should choose to adopt this prompt to contribute your own stories of folks who have gone out of their way to lend genealogy-related assistance to others, I would greatly appreciate a mention to Filiopietism Prism whenever you do so.  Thank you!  And please do use the same photograph below to illustrate the prompt.  ;-) ]

Samaritan Sunday returns this week after a brief hiatus . . . 

Not all the stories about genealogy-related Good Samaritans are found in the newspapers or on TV.  As a play on The Music Man song might go, "Yes, we have good deeds right here in River City!" [Where River City is the genealogy blogosphere.]

Wendy Grant Walter of the From A to Zophar blog has a nice mini-series she calls "Rescued Photos."  Wendy likes to browse antique shops and while on a visit to Vermont in September 2012 she happened across stalls in the Antique Center at Camelot Village in Bennington, Vermont that had a surprising number of old photo portraits that actually had subject identifications on the reverse side.  On a whim, Wendy decided to buy some of the photos that caught her eye.  She then set herself the goal of finding out more about the people pictured in the portraits to see if she could possibly find a living descendant or relative who would appreciate having an old portrait photograph of a family member.

To date, Wendy has featured three photographs on her blog along with the results of her research to find out more about each person featured.  To see the three photographs that caught Wendy's eye and to read about her efforts to find descendants or relatives in order to return the photos she rescued, go here.

As a reader bonus, I offer a bit of a mystery quest associated with Wendy's Rescued Photo #2.  If you have a subscription or other access to, you can use the research results Wendy provides to find and go to the public family tree that looks to be the one for the woman shown in Rescued Photo #2.  The man who almost certainly is the pictured woman's husband was already pictured on the public tree.  The question is, "Did Wendy's Good Samaritan outreach to the tree owner result in the woman's photo finally being matched with the photo of the man that appears to be her husband?"  Inquiring minds will want to know!  
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Photograph of the The Good Samaritan sculpture by Francois-Leon Sicard (1862 - 1934).  The sculpture is located in the Tuileries Gardens in Paris, France.  The photograph is by Marie-Lan Nguyen and has been placed in the public domain by her. See,
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Copyright 2013, John D. Tew
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