Saturday, May 28, 2016

Saturday Serendipity (May 28, 2016)

Here are just a few recommended items of interest for your reading pleasure this long holiday weekend.  

1.    Memorial Day is just two days away. Now would be a good time for you to visit Heather Rojo's "Honor Roll Project" website at if you have never done so before.  Heather developed the absolutely wonderful idea of engaging the genealogy blogging community in finding, photographing, and transcribing the information contained on all the various military honor roll memorials and monuments around the U.S. and a few other countries. The heart of the project, from a genealogy point of view, is the transcription leg of the three-legged 
FIND/ PHOTOGRAPH/TRANSCRIBE stool comprising the project. It is through a careful and accurate transcription of the names on these honor rolls that a database can be created to allow the search for ancestors and relatives that have served in the armed forces of the United States and select other countries. Heather has created a home for the collection of all this data and it is the "Honor Roll Project" website at the link above. Contributions to the project can be made at any time, but Heather targets the Memorial Day and Veterans Day holidays as particularly good times to add to the project database. I strongly suggest that you click on the "Geographic Areas" drop-down menu on the project homepage and then go to the state or country where you live. See if a monument or memorial you know of has been covered and transcribed -- if not, why not consider a contribution for Memorial Day or for Veterans Day this coming November (or anytime in between)? You will be glad you did!

2.   The Weekly Genealogist of NEHGS mentioned what I found to be a fascinating article in The Atlantic about a surprising form of printed advertising that we think of as ASCII computer art -- except it was found in newspaper adverts in the late 1800s! Have a look here.  Perhaps you will find a clue about an ancestor or relative who was in business and used this form of advertising.
3.   As the use of DNA analysis in genealogy continues to develop and mature, we are reading more and more stories of the surprises that can await a trip down the deoxyribonucleic acid spiral stairway. One such story was just posted today by The Legal Genealogist, Judy Russell. As always with Judy, the post is worth the read, but this one is particularly interesting and uplifting.  Have a read!

4.  Barbara Poole of Life From The Roots blog posted a sad notice yesterday about the dissolution of a family reunion that had a history of over 100 years of meetings.  Read Barbara's post here -- especially if you or anyone you know has connections to the Thomas and Mary Lowrey family!    

5.   UpFront With NGS blog posted a very interesting piece about the 1936 -1964 publication of  guides to assist African-American travelers in finding safe places to sleep, eat, and get their cars serviced while traveling in the era of Jim Crow. The publications were known as "The Negro Motorist Green Book" and they were published by Victor Green.  Read more about these guides and get links to further reading and a look at digitized versions of the guides here.  

6.  And speaking of UpFront With NGS, Diane Richard of that blog is also a fan of James Tanner's writing at Genealogy's Star blog.  This past Tuesday, Diane posted links to Mr. Tanner's series on real property research as part of documenting the lives of ancestors and relatives.  See Diane's post and get direct links to each of the posts in the Tanner series here.

7.  I love reading stories about someone who finds an old photograph and sets about trying to reunite the photo with existing family members. The genealogy blogging community is often a resource for solving these kinds of puzzles. Yesterday, Laura Mattingly of The Old Trunk In The Attic blog posted a photograph of three boys and one girl that she has but is unidentified.  Laura thinks the family might have lived in the Harvard or Eldorado, Nebraska area in the early 1900s.  Have a look here and see if you can help Laura with the detective work!
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Copyright 2016, John D. Tew
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Friday, May 27, 2016

Heather's Honor Roll Project (Memorial Day 2016) -- Arlington County, Virginia

Perhaps the best known and iconic memorial to those who died in America's conflicts and wars, or who served honorably in the country's military, is Arlington National Cemetery.  The cemetery is located in Arlington County, Virginia on the west side of the Potomac River across from Washington, DC.  "Arlington"consists of about 624 acres and, as many people know, the site is the location of Arlington House, the former estate of Robert E. Lee's family.  Lee's wife was Mary Anna Custis, the great granddaughter of Martha Washington.

When the Virginia militia occupied Arlington County and Arlington House in May 1861 after the secession of Virginia from the Union, General Winfield Scott ordered Arlington and the city of Alexandria to be rid of any and all troops not loyal to the United States and on May 24, 1861 Brigadier General Irvin McDowell succeeded in occupying Arlington with little or no opposition. By May 1864 Union forces had suffered so many casualties that the burial places used until then (the United States Soldiers Cemetery in D.C. and Alexandria Cemetery in Alexandria, Virginia ) were almost full. General Meigs, the Army Quartermaster, ordered that a search for eligible ground be made to establish a national cemetery. For political reasons, and because the site of Arlington House and its surrounding estates were on high ground outside the threat of floods from the Potomac with a lovely view of the national capital, the estate of Robert E. Lee's family became a new national cemetery.  The first military burial there took place on May 13, 1864 (William H. Christman) and although Arlington was not desegregated for burial purposes until an Executive Order by President Truman in 1948, the first African-American buried in Arlington was William H. Johnson, who worked for President Lincoln.  Lincoln asked that Johnson's tombstone be engraved with his name and the simple word "Citizen." [1]

Union Soldiers outside Arlington House (June 28, 1864)

Arlington House and Section 32 of Arlington National Cemetery (November 6, 2005)

Among the memorials within the Arlington National Cemetery are: the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier (represented by unknown remains of soldiers from WW I, WW II, and the Korean War -- the Vietnam War representative was later identified and eventually reinterred near his St. Louis home so it was decided that the Vietnam crypt will remain empty); the U.S. Maine Mast Memorial; the Space Shuttle Challenger Memorial; the Women in Military Service for America Memorial; and others including the eternal flame at the resting place of President Kennedy.

With all the history, fame and recognition given to Arlington National Cemetery, it is perhaps somewhat understandable that the local memorial in Arlington County is little known and often forgotten. 

Arlington County is located directly across the Potomac River from Washington, D.C. and is the land that was once donated by the Commonwealth of Virginia to form part of the new federal capital district.  The U.S. Congress made the area a subdivision of the District of Columbia and named it Alexandria County in 1801. In 1846, however, the area donated by Virginia was returned to the state and in 1920 the Virginia General Assembly renamed the area "Arlington County" to avoid confusion with the City of Alexandria, which lay adjacent to the returned area. The County is about 26 square miles in size and had a population of 229,302 in 2014. It is said that Arlington County is the smallest self-governing county in the country and there are no incorporated towns within its borders due to state law regarding population density.  It is this population density and the rapid growth and urbanization of the county in the last few decades that probably accounts for the near anonymity of the local war memorial in Arlington County today.

The Arlington County war memorial is located in what is now a very built-up, bustling area at the confluence of the major thoroughfares known as Washington Boulevard, Fairfax Drive, and Wilson Boulevard.

Arlington County War Memorial east side (May 27, 2016)

The Arlington County stone war monument is pictured above. It was dedicated November 11, 1931 by the American Legion, but it was not dedicated at its present location. Originally, the monument sat adjacent to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in a part of Arlington National Cemetery close to the Potomac River and overlooking Washington, DC. The monument apparently was moved several times before settling in at the Clarendon area of Arlington.  It was located at the intersection of Wilson Boulevard and Highland Street, then at Clarendon Circle, then at Courthouse, and finally back to its home at the pinnacle of a traffic island in Clarendon today.

                                                                                                                                  Photo by John D. Tew (May 27, 2016)

                                                                                                                                  Photo by John D. Tew (May 27, 2016)

The memorial today is a four-sided, stone monument with three cannon . . .  two flanking the original plaque side and one centered on the rear side of the monument.  It is crowned by a plain concrete globe with an eagle astride.

                                                                                                                                 Photo by John D. Tew (May 27, 2016)

The front (east side) of the monument -- shown immediately above -- has steps and displays the panel commemorating the men from Arlington who died in the wars in Korea and Vietnam.  It also contains the plaque explaining that the stone in the monument was removed from the area of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and was erected by Arlington Post 139/Auxiliary Unit 139 of the American Legion and the citizens of Arlington County.

The south side of the monument contains the commemorative panel for Arlington men lost in World War II with surnames from MacDonald through Zachman and it is pictured below.

                                                              Photo by John D. Tew (May 27, 2016)

The rear (west side) of the monument -- shown below -- displays the original World War I commemorative plaque dedicated by the American Legion in 1931.  This side contains the names of those Arlington citizens lost in the Great War (1917 - 1918) as well as a panel commemorating those from Arlington County, VA who sacrificed their lives in the recent conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq.

                                                                Photo by John D. Tew (May 27, 2016)

And the north side of the monument displays the commemorative panel dedicated to those citizens of Arlington who sacrificed their lives in World War II with surnames Able through Lyons.

                                                                                                                                   Photo by John D. Tew (May 27, 2016)

Panel Transcriptions for This Monument

Those  Arlington County, Virginia citizens that sacrificed their lives in the conflict in AFGHANISTAN:

Niall Coti-Sears                 USMC
Adam M. Kuligowski      USA
James J. Walton               USA

Those  Arlington County, Virginia citizens that sacrificed their lives in the conflict in IRAQ:

Joel E. Baldwin             USN
Michael P. Cassidy        USA
Sean P. O'Connor          USA

Arlington casualties incurred by United States military personnel in connection with the conflict in KOREA:

          Ramon C. Bearse, Jr.     USA                                     Arnold Meier              USA
          Dewitt Betz                    USA                                    James E. Moore           USA
          Jack Branhan                  USA                                   Donald F. Moriarty       USA
          Harry B. Breeden           USA                                   Kenneth D. Nadeau       USA         
          James C. Caldwell          USA                                  Howard W. Ogden         USA
          John L. Chamberlain      USA                                  Carlo J. Ortenzi              USA
          Burt N. Coers                  USA                                  Denny P. Phillips            USA
          Henry L. Dove                USA                                  Ervin S. Sholes               USA
          Robert D. Ebert               USA                                 David W. Shute               USA 
          Clarence Halliday            USA                                Henry J. Skinger              USA
          Lawrence Harris              USA                                Gerrard L.D. Smith          USA
          Irvin L. Jackson               USA                                Daniel D. Tompkins         USA
          Emmett N. Long              USAF                             Wilbur Van Bremen          USA
          John R. Lovell                 USAF                              Lucius P. Walton              USAF
          Frank R. Loyd, Jr.            USA                                David C. Wently               USA
          James Martin                   USA                                Frederick W. Winter          USA
          Raymond D. McAfee      USA                                Wilbur H. Youngman, Jr.   USMC
          Richard McCullough      USA 

Arlington casualties incurred by United States military personnel in connection with the conflict in VIETNAM:

          Peter J. Angle                  USA                                 Raymond P. Jones             USMC
          Leroy P. Bohrer               USAF                               Robert H.O. Jones             USAF
          Paul M. Bowlin               USMC                              Robert L. Kellas                USA
          Roger G. Bove                 USN                                 Stephen A. Kramer           USA
          Perry N. Browning           USA                                Nicholas Krimont               USA
          George W. Byrd               USMC                             Gary W. Larson                  USA
          Keith A. Campbell           USA                                 Charles Lattimore, Jr.        USA
          Andrew T. Castelda          USA                                 Gerald S. Lotridge             USA
          Terry W. Cressel               USA                                 Hugh R. McKibbin, Jr.      USA
          George N. Deverall           USA                                Thomas T. McLarson         USMC
          William A. Faught, Jr.       USA                                John E. Miller                     USA
          Michael F. Field                USA                                John A. Nixon                     USMC
          Thomas R. Fleming           USMC                            Robert E. Pascoe                 USAF
          John H. Fulcher                 USMC                            Joseph J. Remeikas, Jr.        USA
          James M. Ginn                   USA                               Paul W. Risinger                  USA
          John L. Grimes                   USA                              William S. Slaughter            USA
          Blucher R. Hall                   USMC                           Rodney H. Smith                 USA
          Ed. C. Hammerbeck            USMC                           Leonard H. Snead, Jr.          USA
          Daniel W. Harrison              USA                              Gregory H. Stancil              USMC
          Thomas J. Hayes, IV           USA                              John T. Sticher                     USA
          Jeffrey K. Hoagland            USMC                          Lee G. Tolley                        USA
          Roger D. Hollifield              USA                             Robert E. Tully                     USMC
          James G. Hood                     USA                            David Webster                      USMC
          Harley M. Howard                USA                           Mark A. Whikehart               USA
          Robert E. Hoy                       USA                           David M. Williams                USA
          James D. Hunter                    USA                          David T. Williamson              USA

The panel to the memory of those from Arlington who served in the World War (1917 - 1918) and those who gave their lives -- WORLD WAR I:

John Lyon     U.S.A.
Henry G. Smallwood     U.S.A.
Robert G. Bruce     U.S.A.
Harry R. Stone     U.S.A.
Irving Thomas Chapman Newman     U.S.A. AVIATION
Harry E. Vermillion     U.S.A.
Edward J. Smith     FIELD ARTILLERY
Archie Walters Williams     U.S.N.
Frederick Wallis Schutt     U.S.N.
Frank Dunkin     U.S.A.
Oscar L. Housel     U.S.A.  ENG.

Arthur Morgan     (COLORED)   U.S.A [2]
Ralph Lowe     (COLORED)   U.S.A. [2]

Yet to be transcribed are the two extensive panels listing those who sacrificed their lives for their country in World War II from Arlington County, Virginia.  The aim is to have those panels transcribed by Veterans Day 2016.
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[1]  The U.S. Government formally acquired Arlington at a tax sale in 1864 for $26,800.  Mrs. Lee tried to pay the property taxes through an agent, but the government turned away the tendered payment.  In 1874, Lee's grandson sued the U.S. and in 1882 the U.S. Supreme Court found in his favor ruling that the estate had been confiscated without due process. Congress returned the estate to Custis Lee in March 1883 and Lee then sold it back to the U.S. for $150,000 (equal to about $3.2 million in 2016 dollars).  See,

[2]  The designation of the term "colored" with respect to Arthur Morgan and Ralph Lowe has been a matter of some controversy over the years, but the final decision appears to be to keep the plaque as it was originally created. It has never been changed.

Memorial Day image from

All Memorial photographs by John D. Tew exceptUnion Soldiers at Arlington House by unknown photographer, but whose work is in the public domain as a work prepared by an officer or employee of the United States Government as part of the person's official duties,_with_Union_soldiers_on_the_lawn,_06-28-1864_-_NARA_-_533118.jpg; and Arlington House with Section 32 of Arlington National Cemetery by photographer "Protoant" who has released the photo of his work into the public domain to "use for any purpose, without and conditions, unless such conditions are required by law."

Honor Roll name transcriptions by John D. Tew.
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Copyright 2016, John D. Tew
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Monday, May 23, 2016

Rhode Island Historical Cemetery, Cumberland 3 (May 23, 2016) -- Part II

Historical marker in the middle of the cemetery frontage on Dexter Street

West entrance into Cumberland Cemetery as of March 2010
East entrance into Cumberland Cemetery as of March 2010

After the incorporation of Cumberland Cemetery in 1870, the corporation began selling lots in the cemetery.  Handwritten notes of the various transactions and minutes of the meetings of the Board of Trustees are among the papers I have from my grandfather, Everett Shearman Carpenter. The notes provide information on the purchasers of various lots in the cemetery, the amount paid, the size and location of the lot, and, at some points, the balance of funds available to the Cumberland Cemetery trustees. The period covered by the notes is roughly thirty-seven years (1877 to 1914). 

Scanned images of the handwritten notes and my transcription of the documents are provided below. The use of the letters N, S, E, and W indicate the compass directions of north, south, east and west respectively.  The names that follow the compass directions are of lot owners in the direction indicated  from the subject lot.  Abbreviations such as N'ly, W'ly, S'ly, E'ly indicate northerly, westerly, etc. Carriageway, path, fence, and roadway refer to physical landmarks or structures existing on the cemetery site at the time of the notes and that were used to locate and identify lots that were sold.  Abbreviations such as "unocc" and "vac" mean that a lot in an indicated direction from the subject lot was "unoccupied" or "vacant." 

Nat C Dana   N Ezra Kent  -E- Thos A Jenckes - S Timothy Dexter W -
                         Jan 25, 1877       10 X 22          $22.00 [1]

Sally Brown  E - Lyndal Pike  W 6 ft.,  N 13 ft.
                         Oct 14, 1881         6 X 13               7.80

Polly Chase  N - unoccupied  E Chas Hatfield  S - Naaman Bishop  W -
     Simon Whipple
                          Oct 29, 1883        7 X 14               9.80

Chas Hatfield  N - unocc  E - East Av  S - South Av  W - Polly Chase
                          Oct 29, 1883        9 X 14             12.60

Susan N. Hastings  N - unocc  E  Geo Derry  -S unocc  W - Eva Miller
                          June 14, 1883     7 X 20              14.00

Mrs. Sydney D.L. Jenckes  N - 11 ft from North Av  westerly 6 ft, thence
     S 12 ft  then E 6 ft,  N - 12 ft
                          Oct 14, 1881       6 X 12                7.20

Freeman Studley  - from Main Av 12'6" to stake, E'ly 21' to stake, S'ly
     25' to stake, W'ly 21' to stake, N'ly 25'
                           Nov 4, 1878          ?                    36.75

Sarah Patt  W - Main Av  E'ly 14'  S'ly 14'  W'ly 14" to Main Av
                           Oct 14, 1881      14 X 14            19.60

Thomas White  N - Lyndal Pike & Sally Brown - 15" wide -  S'ly 21'
                           June 30, 1884     315 ft2            31.50

William Lindsley  S - Susan Hastings  7' wide  - N'ly 8'
                           Dec 1, 188_          56 ft2              5.60

Thomas Deardon   in westerly portion of plot donated by JC Dexter
                           Jan 9, 1893        10 X 10           10.00

Mrs. Emma Lloyd  on northerly portion of plot donated by JC Dexter
                           Jan 9, 1893        10 X 10           10.00

Jan 1889 --
     Trustees to Confer w/ Town re property enclosing land east of
cemetery, said land having been deeded to the Town many
years ago for burial purposes by Capt. Elisha Waterman.  Northerly
portion of cemetery within the enclosure property of Jas C. Dexter
who offered to donate the land & give deed provided that is
should be cared for in a proper manner & be considered
a part of the cemetery.  Accepted.

Jan 1890   -- 21 persons present.     Bal $1208.95 [2]   Trustees, (JC Dexter - JC Fiske - Richard Waterman) empowered to have cemetery
surveyed and plat made.

      1891 --   Bal  $1257.85            Exp  26.27 (repairs)

      1892        "    $1243.16

      1893      $10 from Thomas Deardon, 10 from Mrs. Emma Lloyd
                    (lots 10 x 10)
                     Labor to John Paul (average $12 - 13 several years)

      1894       Interest 54.06 on +/- 1340       Bal  $1392.49

      1895       Bal (Oct 3, '94) 1434.37 Rc $24 lot Mrs. Cornelia C. Huling[3]
                                              and 10 John Ainsworth

      1898       Lot sold Clarence M. Cates    $24.75   Bal 1493.10 -382.10
                     = 1111.00  Building fence (1897)

      1901        Bal 789.84   ??  BF Waterman elected Sec - Treas.

      1912       Notices reward 10.00 for defacing property. Bal $1262.01
                     To see if any money available from Peek Fund!

      1916       Bal 1341.30         -- FINIS --     till June 29, 1939

5-17-01    Edward Ballou[?]   10 X 10

2-19-03    Annie Marden         10 X 10

1-23-03    John H. Haskins   N - Stewart  W fence  E  path  S- unocc
                                                 10 X 10

12-30-03  Elvira A. Stewart      5 X 10    (7.50)

4-19-05    James Fogg  in N.E. corner 10 N by 20 E-W

4-19-05    Wm. Deardon  W side west fence bet. G Mowry on N. Elvira
                 Stewart on S  -- 10 ft on path --

1-10-06    N - Deardon  W fence  S - Bishop  E by path
                                      20 running feet  $30

6-26-06    Samuel E. Carpenter [4] N - Deardon S Wm Wright E path
                                      W - fence

12-31-06  Geo. Baker  (25 X 10  $20.00)  W - vacant E - vacant 
                                     N Jas Fogg  S - roadway

12-31-06  Millett E. Hill  (10 X 10 - $10.00)  N - Bound.  S- Vac E - vac
                                     W - vac

5-6-10      Eber Miller [5]  (40 ft sq -  $40.00) N - Daniel Miller [?] W- Sally
                                    Whipple  E Vac  S  Vac

5-4-14      Mrs Isabel House  (10 X 16 - 25.00) adjoining lot of S.P. Dana

4-9-98      Clarence L. Roys   10 X 10  W'ly side of plat  next S & adjoin
                                    Clarence Cates

                                                                          Jan 7, 1889

          "The Trustees were instructed to confer with
the town authorities with reference to property enclosing
the land east of the cemetery, said land having been
deeded to the town many years ago for burial purposes
by Capt. Elisha Waterman."

                                                                         Jan 7, 1890

          "Trustees -- were empowered to have the cemetery
surveyed and a plat of said survey made",
" -- it was the sense of the meeting that but one
person should represent a family lot in the meetings
of the corporation!

                                                                        Jan 11, 1892

          "Mr. Fisk was re-elected President of the Board
and they were instructed to repair the fence of the
cemetery and make inquiry as to the bounds
of the disused burying grounds east of the tombs[?]."

                                                                         Jan 9, 1893

          "The Trustees were authorized to repair the cemetery
fence; to have cemetery surveyed and plat made, to re-establish
the lines and bounds of the disused burial ground lying
to the east of the cemetery."

                                                                               Jan 15, 1894

          "The trustees were authorized to continue their work
in the matter of surveying and making plat of cemetery
and re-establishing lines of disused burial grounds
outside of cemetery proper, with power to act."

                                                                               Feb. 4, 1895

"The Trustees were instructed to attend the fence
around the cemetery, and to confer with the Town
authorities concerning the "public" burial ground

---  Jan 28, 1901     "Voted to place the funds of the Corporation in the
hands of the Trustees. Byron L. Waterman was elected Secy & Treas ---

                                                                                Jan 7, 1904

"Matter (of) petitioning council for bank wall to prevent chapel from being undermined -- discussed"

                                                                                Oct 16, 1905

"the appropriation by the Town Council of $75 from
the PECK (sic.) fund was approved, and decided to be used in
accordance with the "Will" i.e. fixing up graves etc."

                                                                                 May 20, 1912

" --- notices - offering a reward of $10.00 -- defacing property"
Mr. Huling would take steps to see if any money was available
from Peck fund --"

---- Sept 16, 1916  last record till June 29, 1939 ----

*     *     *     *     *

Next in this series about Cumberland Cemetery . . .  another plat of the cemetery site and evidence of income and expenditures by the corporation as well as evidence of use of the site for burial ground purposes prior to the incorporation of 1870.

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[1]  $22.00 in 1877 would be worth approximately $514.00 in 2015 U.S. Dollars.  See,

[2]  $1,208.95 in 1890 dollars would be worth approximately $32,500 dollars in 2015 U.S. Dollars.

[3]  Cornelia C. Huling (1833 - 1914) is Cornelia Crosby Miller, the sister of my 2X great grandmother -- Ruth A. Miller (1828 - 1893); Cornleia is thus my 2X great aunt.  Ruth A. Miller married my great great grandfather, Samuel Carpenter (1828 - 1904). Cornelia married Christopher Harris Hurling (1831 - 1894).

[4]  Samuel E. Carpenter is Samuel Eber Carpenter (1853 - 1929), my great grandfather.  Samuel Eber is the son of Ruth A. [Miller] Carpenter and Samuel Carpenter. He is the grandson of Eber Miller.

[5]  Eber Miller (1805 - 1877) is my 3X great grandfather.  He is the father of Ruth A. [Miller] Carpenter and the grandfather of Samuel Eber Carpenter.  
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Copyright 2016, John D. Tew
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