Wallingford, Connecticut Town Hall |
Tomorrow, November 11, 2016, is Veterans Day.
Among the Honor Roll memorials located in Wallingford, Connecticut on the grounds of the Town Hall is one for those who served (and in some cases died) in World War II. It is by far the most extensive memorial listing of veterans of war who lived in Wallingford. The list contains hundreds of names -- in fact so many that it will take several posts to get them all transcribed and published. This post will cover all the names in alphabetical order from A through B . . . and that comprises 244 names alone.
I know that finding a database of transcribed names is one thing for those who are searching for ancestors and relatives, but for those who cannot make a trip to see the actual memorial, a photograph of their family member's name would be a very useful gift for inclusion in family genealogies; therefore, it is my intention to take several blog posts in the future to publish the photographs from which I worked to do the name transcriptions.
[UPDATE: The close-up photos for the first panel of names on this memorial were published on December 16, 2016. You can view the close-up photographs here.]
For readers who take the time to scan the names, you will probably notice that unlike memorials for earlier wars there are a significant number of women listed on this memorial. Also, apart from the sheer number of names on the World War II memorial, one will note the wonderful ethnic diversity of the names in the list. And there are a number of obvious family members listed so that it appears several possible brother, father/son, and cousin combinations are listed.
My father is listed on the World War II memorial in Wallingford since he briefly attended a year of post-high school education at Lyman Hall in Wallingford before he entered Kings Point, the United States Merchant Marine Academy. Prior to 1957 what is the present Town Hall was the Lyman Hall High School.
[1] I previously posted a close-up of the section of names containing my father's listing
here. This post will begin the transcription of the hundreds other names that are honored on the World War II memorial. The transcription posts will be submitted as part of Heather Rojo's wonderful Honor Roll project to create a searchable listing of all U.S. war veterans on memorials erected in this country.
The World War II memorial on the grounds of the Wallingford Town Hall
The names of the men and women honored on the Wallingford World War II memorial with surnames beginning with A or B are as follows . . .
George C. Abbott, Jr. Thomas Abel Edward J. Achino
Harold Addy Leroy Addy Charles D. Ahearn
Donald R. Ahearn Eugene T. Ahearn John R. Ahearn, Jr.
Muriel Ahearn William J. Ahearn Anne Aiello
Susan Aiello Antonio G. Alagna George Alagna
Edward J. Albuquerque Elmer Alex Milton Alex
Raymond E. Allain Roy C. Allen Leonard J. Altieri
Einar J. Andersen Robert L. Andersen David W. Anderson
Charles Andrade Andrew C. Andrews Robert C. Andrews
Edward Angelo Louis E. Angelo Carolyn Anthony
Harry F. Anthony, Jr. Roald L. Antinolfi Anthony J. Antonucci
William Antunes Clarence F. Appell Pierre Appell
Albert Ardo Bernard A. Aristosky Benjamin Arnold
Ford W. Arp, Jr. Joseph J. Arujo George Asman
Harold J. Atkinson George R. Audette Charles L. Austin
Raymond A. Austin Charles B. Ayers Russell Ayers, Jr.
Thomas R. Ayers William Ayers Marino Bacci
Gordon D. Backes Frank S. Backsa James C. Baggott
John A. Bai John S. Bai John W. Bailey, Jr.
Charles Bakanas Frank Bakanas John C. Bakanas
Joseph A. Bakos Joseph Baksa Frank R. Ball
Albert E. Ballough Alex L. Ballough Joseph R. Balon
Martin Balon Gerald Bampton Hugh E. Bandecchi
Louis L. Banka Stanley P. Banka William W. Banka
Joseph P. Barberino Peter Barberino, Jr. Stephen J. Barberino
Paul R. Barbuto Joseph H. Bardon Frank M. Barker
John C. Barker Florence E. Barnes Joel P. Barnes
Charles Barney Leonard G. Baronowski David J. Barry
Robert Barry George A. Bartek George J. Bartek
Louis R. Bartek William J. Bartek Alfred O. Bartel
Raymond J. Bartel Chandler H. Bartholomew Harry L. Bartholomew, Jr.
George W. Bartlett Clifton E. Barton Michael N. Basarab
Stephen Basarab William J. Basarab F.O. Donald Bates
George A. Bates Ruben Bates Alex L. Bayne
Joseph Bayne Paul Bayne John C. Beadle
Clifford L. Beaudoin Walter E. Beaudoin George B. Beaumont
Harvey E. Beaumont Arthur E. Becker Raymond Beecroft
Richard J. Belden Gordon Bellafronto Malcolm J. Bellafronto
Charles E. Bellows, Jr. Clarence W. Bellows Robert E. Bellows
Stanley J. Bellows Erwin J. Benard James J. Benarro
Lawrence L. Benigni Durwood W. Bennett Leigh C. Bennett
Malcolm O. Bennett Henry E. Benoit Edmund E. Benway
Joseph A. Benyi Carmen A. Berardesco Paul S. Berceli
Charles W. Bercier Romeo A. Bernaby Leo L. Bernardoni
Walter Bernat Edward B. Berry Ralph Bertini II
Robert H. Bertini Pasquale Bia Stanley G. Biega
Victor J. Biega Charles E. Bingham Julius A. Biro
Frank J. Bishop Joseph A. Bisi Joseph A. Bitel
Stanley Bitel Frank Blachowicz Edwin L. Blaski
Henry J. Blaski Robert L. Blaski Waldemar E. Blaski
Betty Boehm Marc A. Bolduc William R. Bolton
Joseph O. Bonelly Richard A. Bongoll Joseph P. Bonocchi, Jr.
William R. Bordeleau, Jr. Anthony M. Borges Richard J. Borghi
Frank J. Boryszewski Francis X. Bossily Russell W. Bowen
Walter D. Bowen Harry M. Boyarski Gilbert D. Boyd
Robert B. Boyd Roger W. Boyd Hamilton F. Boyer
James J. Boylan John P. Boylan Albert Braga
Joseph Braga William F. Bramlett Salvatore S. Brancato
Donald J. Brandt Michael J. Brassil George J. Brauch
Robert E. Brayshaw Charles A. Breck John F. Brennan
Thomas F. Brennan James H. Brenton John F. Bresnock
Charles A. Bridgett Frank E. Bridgett Nicholas E. Bridgett
William E. Bridgett Robert E. Brinley William R. Brinley
Robert E. Bristol Lawrence Broe Earl E. Bronsord
Alice J. Brooks Edward C. Brooks, Jr. Charles A. Brosnan
John J. Brosnan III Robert J. Brosnan Charles E. Brown
Edward O. Brown Franklin A. Brown James A. Brown
Robert W. Brown Walter E. Brunetti George F. Bruton
James J. Bruton Leo R. Bruton Alex Bryda
Albert R. Buccy Allen Buck William G. Buckley
Stanley P. Budleski John H. Buffum, Jr. Jacob Bugaichuk
Henry W. Buijnarowski James J. Buijnarowski Vincent A. Buijnarowski
Bronislaus M. Bukowski Charles A. Bukowski Edward J. Bukowski
Henry R. Bukowski Henry S. Bukowski John J. Bukowski
Edward M. Bullock Henry J. Bundock Howard G. Bundock
Roland F. Bundock John D. Buongirno Kenneth A. Buongirno
Robert A. Buongirno Charles A. Burghardt George J. Burghardt
John H. Burghardt Robert O. Burghoff Willard L. Burghoff
Cecil O. Burnham Helen Burns William H. Buschel
Louis Butcher Steven Butcher George Butts
Alfred Buza John A. Buza Joseph E. Buza
Raymond F. Buza
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[1] Lyman Hall (1724 - 1790) was born in Wallingford and served as a representative to the Continental Congress from Georgia. He was a signer of the Declaration of Independence and later served as a Governor of Georgia.
Photographs of the extensive list of names on the World War II memorial in Wallingford, Connecticut were provided to me for transcription by my cousin, Bruce O. Marquardt, of Wallingford. This transcription contribution would not have been possible without Bruce's very kind and willing efforts to make sure I had legible photos from which to do the transcriptions. THANK YOU BRUCE!
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Copyright 2016, John D. Tew
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