Wallingford, Connecticut Town Hall |
Saturday, November 11, 2017, is Veterans Day.
Among the military Honor Roll memorials located in Wallingford, Connecticut on the grounds of the Town Hall is one for those who served (and in some cases died) in World War II. It is by far the most extensive memorial listing of veterans of war who lived in Wallingford. The list contains hundreds of names -- in fact so many that it will take several posts to get them all transcribed and published. This is the third post of names from the Wallingford WWII Memorial. It will cover all the surnames names in alphabetical order from F through I . . . and that comprises 317 names for this post.
[For the first post listing the 244 surnames from this memorial that begin with A or B, please see the earlier post here. The second post listing the 298 surnames that begin with C through E can be viewed here. ]
I know that finding a database of transcribed names is one thing for those who are searching for ancestors and relatives, but for those who cannot make a trip to see the actual memorial, a photograph of their family member's name would be a very useful gift for inclusion in family genealogies; therefore, it is my intention to do a blog post shortly after posting each list of transcribed names to publish the photographs from which I worked to do the transcriptions. Please check back here periodically after you see a listed name of an ancestor or relative in a post and you will then be able to get a photograph of the name in a close-up of the memorial panel containing your family member's name.
[UPDATE: The close-up photos for surnames F through I on this memorial were published on November 8, 2017. You can view the close-up photographs here.]
For readers who take the time to scan the names, you will notice that unlike memorials for earlier wars there are a significant number of women listed on this memorial. Also, apart from the sheer number of names on the World War II memorial, one will note the wonderful ethnic diversity of the names in the list. And there are a number of obvious family members listed so that it appears several possible brother, father/son, and cousin combinations are listed.
My father is listed on the World War II memorial in Wallingford since he briefly attended a year of post-high school education at Lyman Hall in Wallingford before he entered Kings Point, the United States Merchant Marine Academy. Prior to 1957 what is the present Town Hall was the Lyman Hall High School.
[1] I previously posted a close-up of the section of names containing my father's listing
here. This post continues the transcription of the hundreds of other names that are honored on the World War II memorial. The transcription posts will be submitted as part of
Heather Rojo's wonderful Honor Roll project to create a searchable listing of all U.S. war veterans on memorials erected in this country.
One other point to make on this Veterans Day regarding memorials to World War Two veterans . . .
The names on this and other WWII memorials around the country list members of what has often been called "The Greatest Generation." The names on these memorials recognize the hundreds of thousands of men and women who sacrificed years of their youth or middle age -- and in many cases their very lives -- to combat an undeniable evil. My father will turn 95 years old on the 28th of this month. He turned 19 years old at the very end of November, 1941 and the United States declared war on Japan and Germany on December 8th and December 11th, 1941, respectively. Before my father turned 20 years old he was attending the United States Merchant Marine Academy and shortly thereafter was making voyages to deliver supplies and materiel in the war effort. Today as we commemorate those members of the greatest generation who served and died in WWII, it is important to pause and realize -- with respect to this particular memorial and so many others like it -- that almost all of the men and women enumerated on WWII memorials are no longer with us. If they survived the war, the great majority have lived their lives and passed on. Very, very few remain with us today. Lift a glass today to all of those who made the ultimate sacrifice and to those who served!
The World War II memorial on the grounds of the Wallingford Town Hall
The names of the men and women honored on the Wallingford World War II memorial with surnames beginning with F through I are as follows . . .
Bernard Factor Irving S. Factor Martin H. Factor
Frank L. Fagan Robert J. Fagan Frank J. Fahey
Anthony Falcigno, Jr. Arthur Falcigno James Falcigno
Thomas B. Falcigno Nicholas E. Falconieri Francis J. Fanning
Thomas E. Fanning Julius E. Fappiano Walter F. Fare
Charles J. Farkas George J. Farkas Ellwin O. Farnsworth
Nicholas Farone, Jr. Charles B. Farrow Armand A. Fassino
James V. Fazzino Ernest W. Fekete George Fekete
Peter Fellegy Adam L. Fengler, Jr. Adolph A. Fengler
Andrew J. Fenick Charles A. Fenn Donald T. Ferguson
Abel J. Fernandes Americo J. Fernandes Andrew Fernandes
Anthony T. Ferrari Frank J. Ferrari Thomas F. Ferrari
James J. Ferraro Ralph J. Ferraro Joseph F. Ferreira
Libero Ferri Ubaldo G. Ferri Edward J. Ferriere
James G. Ferriere Floyd J. Ferry Frank P. Ferry
Theodore J. Ferry Walter F. Ferry Alfred J. Fields
Charles L Fields, Jr. Kenneth J. Fields Louis R. Flippo
William R. Fischer Morris Fishbein Curtis H. Fitcher
Russell E. Fitcher Samuel H. Fitcher John E. Fitzgerald
William H. Fitzgerald William J. Fleischauer, Jr. Vincent J. Fleming
Walter J. Fleming Anthony Flis George J. Flis
Jacob Flis Francis J. Flynn James T. Flynn, Jr.
Raymond Flynn James D. Foran Robert W. Ford
William Ford, Jr. John T. Fordan Harold A. Foresto
Robert L. Foresto Stanley F. Fornal Charles H. Fosdick
Joseph F. Foster Paul E. Foucault Francis P. Fountaine
Lawrence E. Fox James Francesconi Daniel P. Francis
Charles R. Frauham Victor I. Freeman Peter J. Fresina
James E. Fritz Raymond L. Fritz Clarence F. Frobel
Andrew Fucci Frank Fucci Edwin F. Fuller
Richard T. Gadd Wesley P. Gadd William E. Gadd
Emil Gaetano Joseph Galko Bernard Gallagher
Daniel G. Gallagher Patricia F. Gallagher Donald C. Galvin
Charles E. Gammerino Charles W. Gammons Francis H. Gannon
William C. Gannon Edgar E. Gardner, Jr. Francis A. Gargaly
William J. Gargaly Francis R. Gariepy Roderick A. Garrand, Jr.
Robert M. Gavette Walter Gawlowicz Miller Gay
Raymond A. Gay Charles F. Gayer John J. Gayer
Joseph A. Gehue Morris Gelblum John S. Geleta
Anthony Gello Maurice J. Gello Salvatore Gello
Dominic J. Gelo Frank J. Gelt Ernest V. Gendron
Alphonse D. Gentile Louis A. Gentile Americo Gerace
Charles Gerace Ernest Gere Lester Gere
John J. Geremia Leo F. Geremia Michael C. Geremia
Philip E. Germain Robert A. Germain Max Gershberg
Frank E. Gestay John F. Gestay Fred P. Ghidini
John J. Ghidini Ernest Gianotti Howard Gianotti
Louis F. Gianotti Peter Gianotti Bruno Giapponi
Reno Giapponi Charles C. Gibson Irmelda T. Gillooly
Zoltan J. Gindel Richard H. Gingras Robert E. Gingras
Doris A. Girard Andrew J. Giret David Giret
Anthony J. Glaviano George Glaviano Joseph J. Glaviano
Salvatore Glaviano Alfred Gnudi Gideon J. Gober
David M. Goddard Stanton H. Goddard John J. Godo
David M. Goldman Stanley Goldman Leonard Golub
Alex S. Gombita John Gomes Joseph Gomes
Manuel Gomes John F. Gomez Edwin F. Goodrich
Frank E. Goodrich Harold J. Goodrich John J. Goodrich
Quentin J. Goodrich Roy T. Goodrich Michael J. Gorman
Warren J. Grace Vincent W. Graham Henry J. Gralton
Harrold M. Granucci Henry T. Granucci Robert F. Granucci
Warren J. Granucci Carl A. Grasser Joseph J. Green, Jr.
Robert W. Greene Edwin J. Greenwood Russell W. Greenwood
Francis B. Griffen Robert T. Griffen Chester H. Griggs
Raymond R. Grinold Adam S. Groncheski Benjamin Groncheski, Jr.
Frank J. Gross Harry Haberman Ralph D. Habersang
Andrew Hacku Daniel Hacku John F. Hacku
Aladar M. Haczku William P. Haggerty Paul Hajnal
John H. Hall John J. Hall, Jr. Marcus E. Hall
Russell A. Hall William R. Hall Herbert L. Halladay
Robert R. Haller Martin Hamasian Richard Hamasian
James Hamelin Norman O. Hamelin William F. Hamelin
Allen E. Hancock Vernon P. Hancock John Hanisko
Joseph Hanisko Samuel W. Hanisko Stephen Hanisko
Andrew C. Harduby John A. Harkawik Arthur E. Harrington
Raymond T. Harrington Robert J. Harrington Spencer K. Harrington
Vincent O. Harrington Wesley M. Harris Sidney Harrison
George E. Hart William R. Hartline Earl J. Hartman
Francis A. Hartman George R. Hartman Henry R. Hartman
Joseph W. Hartman Willis B. Harwood Edwin W. Havens
Maurice J. Hayden Vincent J. Hayden John Hayes
John R. Hayes John B. Heald Thomas D. Healy
Edward J. Hearon James E. Hearon John M. Heath
Mary B. Heath Robert M. Heath James A. Heilman
Norman C. Heilman, Jr. George A. Hellemann Roger W. Hellemann
Richard C. Henson Walter P. Hentz Charles K. Hewitt
Alvin R. Highers George E. Hill Hazel Hill
Joel B. Hill William B. Hill Gerald B. Hines
Henry G. Hintz Walter P. Hintz Richard C. Hiob
Gerald T. Hirbour Edward J. Hoffman Edward O. Hoffman
Frank T. Hoffman James J. Hoffman John J. Hoffman
Robert J. Hoffman Thomas H. Hoffman Warren W. Hoffman
Edward J. Holda Christopher Holloway Eugene W. Holloway
Hazel M. Holloway Donald H. Holmes Robert L. Holmes
William C. Holroyd, Jr. John L. Horan Ambrose Horbock
Eugene J. Horbock Phillip Horbock Jacob J. Horkavy
John Horkavy Stephen E. Hornyak John J. Horvath
Howard M. Hotchkiss John L. Hotchkiss Margaret C. Hotchkiss
Robert A. Hotchkiss Alice M. Houlihan Herbert J. Houson
Robert J. Howe John R. Hrehowsik John D. Hubbard
Edward P. Hubbell Frank Hubert Felix Hulicki
Frank Hulicky Daniel A. Hurley Margaret M. Hurley
Arthur R. Huskes Richard W. Huskes Alton B. Hyde
Lawrence G. Hyland Mary C. Hyland Carl Isakson
Rolf Isakson Andrew Ivan Donaled W. Ivan
John Clark Ives Peter P. Ives, Jr.
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[1] Lyman Hall (1724 - 1790) was born in Wallingford and served as a representative to the Continental Congress from Georgia. He was a signer of the Declaration of Independence and later served as a Governor of Georgia.
Photographs of the extensive list of names on the World War II memorial in Wallingford, Connecticut were provided to me for transcription by my cousin, Bruce O. Marquardt, of Wallingford. This transcription contribution would not have been possible without Bruce's very kind and willing efforts to make sure I had legible photos from which to do the transcriptions. THANK YOU BRUCE!
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Copyright 2017, John D. Tew
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