Wallingford, Connecticut Town Hall |
Tomorrow -- Monday, November 11, 2019 -- is Veterans Day.
Among the military Honor Roll memorials located in Wallingford, Connecticut on the grounds of the Town Hall is one for those who served (and in some cases died) in World War II. It is by far the most extensive memorial listing of veterans of war who lived in Wallingford. The list contains hundreds of names -- in fact so many that it will take several posts to get them all transcribed and published. This is the fourth post of names from the Wallingford WWII Memorial and the first since 2017. A post was not done in 2018 due to our relocation to New Jersey from Virginia. This resumed listing will cover all the surnames names in alphabetical order from J through L, which comprises 242 names for this post. With this post, a total of 1,101 names will have been transcribed from the Wallingford, CT World War Two memorial -- and we still have surnames from M through Z to complete!
[For the first post listing the 244 surnames from this memorial that begin with A or B, please see the earliest post here. The second post listing the 298 surnames that begin with C through E can be viewed here. The third post listing 317 surnames that begin F through I can be viewed here. ]
I know that finding a database of transcribed names is one thing for those who are searching for ancestors and relatives, but for those who cannot make a trip to see the actual memorial, a photograph of their family member's name would be a very useful gift for inclusion in a family genealogy; therefore, it is my intention to do a blog post shortly after posting each list of transcribed names to publish the photographs from which I worked to do the transcriptions. Please check back here periodically after you see a listed name of an ancestor or relative in a post and you will then be able to get a photograph of the name in a close-up of the memorial panel containing your family member's name.
For readers who take the time to scan the names, you will notice that unlike memorials for earlier wars there are a significant number of women listed on this memorial. Also, apart from the sheer number of names on the World War II memorial, one will note the wonderful ethnic diversity of the surnames in the lists. And there are a number of obvious family members listed so that it appears several possible brother, father/son, and cousin combinations are listed.
My father is listed on the World War II memorial in Wallingford since he briefly attended a year of post-high school education at Lyman Hall in Wallingford before he entered Kings Point, the United States Merchant Marine Academy. Prior to 1957 what is the present Town Hall was the Lyman Hall High School.
[1] I previously posted a close-up of the section of names containing my father's listing
here. This post continues the transcription of the hundreds of other names that are honored on the World War II memorial. The transcription posts will be submitted as part of
Heather Rojo's wonderful Honor Roll project to create a searchable listing of all U.S. war veterans on memorials erected in this country.
One other point to make on this Veterans Day regarding memorials to World War Two veterans . . .
The names on this and other WWII memorials around the country list members of what has often been called "The Greatest Generation." The names on these memorials recognize the hundreds of thousands of men and women who sacrificed years of their youth or middle age -- and in many cases their very lives -- to combat an undeniable evil. Since the last post about this memorial, my father died on May 2, 2018. He was about six months shy of age 96. He turned 19 years old in November, 1941 and the United States declared war on Japan and Germany on December 8th and December 11th, 1941, respectively. Before my father turned 20 years old he was attending the United States Merchant Marine Academy at King's Point in Great Neck, Long Island, New York and shortly thereafter he was making voyages to deliver supplies and materiel in the war effort. Today as we commemorate those members of the greatest generation who served and died in WWII, it is important to pause and realize -- with respect to this particular memorial and so many others like it -- that almost all of the men and women enumerated on WWII memorials are no longer with us. If they survived the war, the great majority have lived their lives and passed on. Very, very few remain with us today. Lift a glass tomorrow to all of those who made the ultimate sacrifice and to those who served!
The World War II memorial on the grounds of the Wallingford Town Hall
The names of the men and women honored on the Wallingford World War II memorial with surnames beginning with J through L are as follows . . .
Joseph P. Jacob Paul Jacobowitz Edward L. Jacobs
John S. Jakiela Walter E. Jakiela Edward James
Everett S. James Leo F. Janeczek Francis E. Janik
John Januszewski Henry J. Jasiewicki Joseph W. Jasinski
William I. Jenkins Alex J. Jobbagy Frank F. Jobbagy
Louis T. Jobbagy William P. Jobbagy Frank Jobby
Clarence E. Johnson Thomas H. Johnson Walter G. Johnson
John H. Jones William T. Judge Alexamnder Juhase
Paul Juliff Stanley F. Kacprzynski George W. Kahl
John E. Kahl Kenneth F. Kallaway Peter J. Kamen
Peter Kamen, Jr. Stanley M. Kaminski Andrew Kapi, Jr.
Alexander Karacsonyi, III John S. Karpie, Jr. Robert F. Kast
John Kastukevich Nicholas Kastukevich Thomas F. Kavanough
Alexander Kazersky John Kelenosy Nicholas J. Kelley
Charles R. Kelly Robert G. Kelly Robert J. Kelly
Savilla M. Kelly William J. Kelly Norman J. Kelman
Robert T. Kennedy Joseph R. Kenney James D. Kenny
Nicholas L. Kern Ernest G. Kezi John Kilar
Albert E. Killen Albert E. Killen, Jr. Arthur J. Killen
John T. Kinell William Kinell Bertrand A. King
Charles J. King Donald J. King Edwin J. King
Irving C. King Wallace J. King Charles P. Kingsland
Anthony V. Kinievich Alex Kischkum Michael Kischkum
Edward J. Kiselewski George Kish Peter J. Kliarsky
William J. Kliarsky Joseph Klish Bernard Klisky
Clarence J. Knope William Knope Francis E. Kober
Joseph F. Koblish Alexander Koch Stephen M. Koch
Alex Kockis, Jr. John Kofchur Peter J. Kolodziej
Stanley J. Kolodziej Walter V. Komerowski Charles Kondracki
Paul Kondracki Edward Konopka Frank J. Konopka
Francis F. Konyu Steve Konyu Walter Korostynski
Alex Kovach Bertha Kovach Esther E. Kovach
Margaret Kovach Alex S. Kovacs Andrew F. Kovacs
Andrew S. Kovacs Bertha Kovacs James G. Kovi
Robert F. Kowalczyk Edmund F. Kowalski Julius J. Kowalski
Matthew B. Kowalski Stanley E. Kowalski Stanley J. Kowalski
Theodore J. Kowalski Walter E. Kowalski Zigmond Kowalski
John S. Kozak Thomas W. Kozak John Kranyak
Joseph J. Kristan Adolph W. Kubacki Edwin J. Kubeck
George H. Kubeck John R. Kubeck Joseph F. Kubeck
Stanley J. Kubeck Thomas Kubeck Thaddeus G. Kuchinski
Joseph J. Kuczo Joseph D. Kuczynski Joseph D. Kudla
Emil H. Kumnick Kenneth F. Kumnick Edward J. Kupiac
Elmer Kurty John G. Kurty Joseph P. Kurty
Steven Kurty Anthony J. Kurylo Michael J. Kurylo
Joseph Kuzub Joseph W. Kwasniewski George F. Lacoske
Ernest J. Lacroix John F. Lacroix Joseph E. Lacroix
Lester E. Lacroix William J. Lacroix Henry L. Ladd, Jr.
Thomas C. Laden William G. Lahey, Sr. William G. Lahey, Jr.
Frank Lajewski John Lajewski Kenneth E. Lajoie
Richard B. Lake James H. Lamothe Harold W. Landow
Sydney S. Landow Donald C. Lane Emil W. Lange
Henry A. Lanouette, Jr. James E. Lanouette Robert Lanson
Edward G. Lanzoni Robert A. Lanzoni Walter J. Lanzoni
John C. Lapinski Stanley A. Lapinski Ted C. Latall
Carl Laterra Thomas J. Latham Stanley P. Lathrop, Jr.
Edward J. Latournes Robert Latournes James M. Latto
Edward C. Laville Frances E. Lawler Alex R. Lawrence, Jr.
Arthur J. Lawrence William J. Lawrence George Lawson
Edward C. Layman Edward K. Layman George J. Layman
John F. Layman John H. Leahy Thomas H. Leahy
John W. Leavenworth Henry P. Leblanc James A. Lee
James V. Lee, Jr. Peter Paul Lee Raymond J. Lee
Robert J. Lee Raymond H. Lefebvre Edward A. Leibe
William H. Leibe Marc R. Lemay William W. Lemza
Andrew B. Lenart Ernest R. Lendler Walter J. Lentz
Harmon C. Leonard Robert J. Leonard William P. Leonard
Michael J. Lesniak Joseph Lesocke Edward S. Levack
John J. Levack George A. Leveille Louis J. Leveille
Walter E. Leveille John J. Lewis Robert L. Lewis
Paul A. Lidtke Bernard J. Lindauer, Jr. Bernard J. Lindauer, Sr.
Robert H. Lindauer Edwin G. Lobb Kenneth G. Lobb
Robert Lobb Emil T. Lochowski Thaddeus C. Lochowski
William Logvin John M. Loin Joseph M. Loin
Peter Loin Joseph J. Lombardi Angelo P. Losi
Louis Losi Benjamin F. Loudon Edward R. Loudon
Emil J. Lovisone Anna M. Luby John W. Luby
Walter J. Luby William E. Luby, Jr. Jerry J. Lucas
Raoul F. Lufberry Michael Lukas Jeremiah Lunney
John B. Luparia Alfred J. Lussier Arthur J. Lussier
William J. Lussier Harold O. Lynch
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[1] Lyman Hall (1724 - 1790) was born in Wallingford and served as a representative to the Continental Congress from Georgia. He was a signer of the Declaration of Independence and later served as a Governor of Georgia.
Photographs of the extensive list of names on the World War II memorial in Wallingford, Connecticut were provided to me for transcription by my cousin, Bruce O. Marquardt, of Wallingford. This transcription contribution would not have been possible without Bruce's very kind and willing efforts to make sure I had legible photos from which to do the transcriptions. THANK YOU BRUCE!
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Copyright 2019, John D. Tew
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