Saturday, January 25, 2020

Saturday Serendipity (January 25, 2020)

The following are suggested reads for this weekend.

1.     This week The Weekly Genealogist of NEHGS announced a call for a new television documentary series that will focus on people who have been inspired by discoveries from their family history.  As the announcement queries, "Has your ancestral research influenced your values, education, occupation, hobbies, or life choices?  Have you learned about yourself through the discovery of new genealogical information, or through researching a family heirloom?"  If you can answer in the affirmative, then you are asked to contact Claire Vail for more information on the new series and perhaps how you can participate.  Claire's email (as provided in the announcement) is and the subject line should be "Casting call (TWG)."

2.     If during this 400th Anniversary year of the Mayflower landing you plan to learn more about the Mayflower, its passengers, and the reasons for its voyage to America in 1620, then you need to consult Heather Rojo's very helpful post at her blog, Nutfield Genealogy.   Heather did a Google book search for Mayflower books and published a list of the more than 50 results she obtained.  Read the post here and find Heather's suggestions on how to get to any book that interests you and the ability to then do focused searches in digital versions.      

3.     James Tanner of Genealogy's Star blog has posted yet another very interesting, thought-provoking post.  Read "The Technological Impact on the Future of Genealogy" and the amazing statistics presented by going here.    

4.     Peter Muise of NEW ENGLAND FOLKLORE blog posted an interesting piece on bread this past week titled, "Anna and Her Damn Bread: A Legendary Recipe."  Read Peter's post here, discover what the legendary recipe is, and get a link to Peter's favorite recipe from Yankee Magazine.

5.     This week The Weekly Genealogist linked to two other interesting stories.  The first is a fascinating  article at Atlas Obscura about the missing gravesite and remains of the only woman to be honored with a memorial at West Point due to her service at a cannon during the Revolutionary War Battle of Fort Washington.  The second story is an article from Smithsonian Magazine and presents how in 1851 a Maryland farmer named Edward Gorsuch along with his son Dickinson Gorsuch and other family members went to Christiana, Pennsylvania to kidnap free African Americans.  They were surprised by the resistance that was mounted and they failed in their attempts.  Read the whole story here.

6.     And finally, some great news for bloggers and genealogists who aspire to putting their research and writing into a lasting book form at a VERY affordable price -- Diane Maclean Boumenot of One Rhode Island Family blog has returned to blogging after a hiatus of almost seven months!  And she has a gift for all of us as presented in her return post of three days ago!  Diane has been busy building "a series of courses under the name 'Genealogy Skills Today,' [and] the first course is free for all of 2020."  This free course is titled "Produce Your Family History Book for $20" and you can read about this generous offer and get a link to the main page of the course by going here.  If I recall correctly, I saw an early version of this course in a presentation Diane made to the Rhode Island Genealogical Society (RIGS) a year or two ago.  You will find the course to be very good and very useful.  I encourage you all to take a few minutes to look at the course and take advantage of Diane's generous offer!

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Copyright 2020, John D. Tew

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Monday, January 20, 2020

At This Time and in This Place (January 20, 2020)

Today is a history trifecta.  Today is the national holiday that celebrates the accomplishements and legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr.  Today is also exactly three years since the inauguration of Donald J. Trump as the 45th President of the United States.  And today, with the release of the rules for the impeachment trial of Donald J. Trump, the third impeachment trial in the history of the country is set. 

This is going to be a somewhat lengthy post.  First, however, I must quote the opening paragraph from my post of November 9, 2016 to establish why I choose to take the opportunity (for perhaps only the second time since this blog began 686 posts ago) to write about what some will undoubtedly consider a departure from genealogy into politics.

"Since the inception of this blog almost four years ago, I have assiduously avoided turning it into anything even approaching a forum for my political beliefs. This blog is, however, a genealogy and family history forum AND it is preserved in book form for my sons, descendants, and relatives; as such it occasionally delves into matters of present concern because my involvement in present day events will unavoidably become matters of family history for my descendants. [By way of example, see my blog post about my experience of the events of 9-11 here.]"

On Novemer 9, 2016 I also wrote about the results of the 2016 presidential election .  .  .

"Fifty or a hundred years or more from now this election will be distant history. We have no idea how the Trump presidency will turn out. We can only hope that it is a net positive for the great majority of Americans, who comprise a true melting pot of various people. History and results will judge the winner of this momentous election . . . and our descendants will judge us with the hindsight of decades or centuries regarding how we stood at this time and in this place.
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They say that when a person actually assumes the awesome power and responsibility of the presidency of the United States it changes him. He has such power and responsibility that it alters his perspective and his deliberation before deciding on a course of action that will affect an entire nation. Our history is replete with examples of presidential evolution in office. For the greater good of this country we can only hope that Mr. Trump is transformed by the high office to which he will ascend and that he deliberates carefully and circumspectly as he moves forward!"

Three years after the ascent of Donald J. Trump to the presidency of the United States, I truly regret having to say to my descendants that Mr. Trump has not, in my considered opinion, changed as a result of the awesome power and responsibility given to him by the American people.  A litany of all the actions and statements by Mr. Trump (and the party he seemingly controls so completely) that lead me to this conclusion would be too long and would serve no purpose other than to make this post appear even more political to some. Instead, I will quote Mr. Trump himself on his repeated perception of what his ascent to the presidency means to him .  .  .

"I have an Article II where I have the right to do whatever I want as President."
                                                                     - Donald J. Trump, July 23, 2019 
"More importantly, Article II allows me to do whatever I want."
                                                                     - Donald J. Trump, June 16, 2019

And so the impeachment trial of Mr. Trump will begin tomorrow -- one year to the day before the next oath of office will be taken by a President of the United States, whoever he or she might be.  We will see what the nature of that trial will actually become.  When the trial is over and a verdict is rendered, history and the American people will judge whether or not it was fair and whether or not the truth was actually pursued.  The court of public opinion and history will have the last word, but the United States Senate and the Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court now have the matter before them.  They have the duty and power to make sure the trial can be viewed as a pursuit of the truth based on relevant evidence presented to prove or disprove the articles of impeachment.  The country and history will be watching -- even if the proceedings go until 1:00 AM as apparently now planned by Majority Leader McConnell.

On August 16, 2018, William H. McRaven, a retired four-star Navy Admiral and commander of the U.S. Joint Special Operations Command who oversaw the raid that eliminated Osama bin Laden, addressed Donald Trump in print and said in part .  .  .

"Like most Americans, I had hoped that when you became president, you would rise to the occasion and become the leader this great nation needs.

A good leader tries to embody the best qualities of his or her organization. A good leader sets the example for others to follow. A good leader always puts the welfare of others before himself or herself.

Your leadership, however, has shown little of these qualities. Through your actions, you have embarrassed us in the eyes of our children, humiliated us on the world stage and, worst of all, divided us as a nation.

If you think for a moment that your McCarthy-era tactics will suppress the voices of criticism, you are sadly mistaken. The criticism will continue until you become the leader we prayed you would be."
                                                                                       - Admiral (ret) William H. McRaven
                                                                                          The Washington Post, August 16, 2018

To my sons, my granddaughters, and whatever future descendants I might have, I want to say at this time in this place that I agree with Admiral McRaven.

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Copyright 2020, John D. Tew

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What follows are relevant excerpts from The Federalist No. 65 written by Alexander Hamilton.  They are worth reading.

"A well constituted court for the trial of impeachments, is an object not more to be desired, than difficult to be obtained in a government wholly elective. The subjects of its jurisdiction are those offences which proceed from the misconduct of public men, or, in other words, from the abuse or violation of some public trust. They are of a nature which may with peculiar propriety be denominated political, as they relate chiefly to injuries done immediately to the society itself. The prosecution of them, for this reason, will seldom fail to agitate the passions of the whole community, and to divide it into parties, more or less friendly, or inimical, to the accused. In many cases, it will connect itself with the pre-existing factions, and will enlist all their animosities, partialities, influence, and interest on one side, or on the other; and in such cases there will always be the greatest danger, that the decision will be regulated more by the comparative strength of parties, than by the real demonstrations of innocence or guilt. 

The delicacy and magnitude of a trust, which so deeply concerns the political reputation and existence of every man engaged in the administration of public affairs, speak for themselves. The difficulty of placing it rightly in a government resting entirely on the basis of periodical elections, will as readily be perceived, when it is considered that the most conspicuous characters in it will, from that circumstance, be too often the leaders, or the tools of the most cunning or the most numerous faction; and on this account, can hardly be expected to possess the requisite neutrality towards those whose conduct may be the subject of scrutiny.

The convention, it appears, thought the senate the most fit depository of this important trust. Those who can best discern the intrinsic difficulty of the thing, will be least hasty in condemning that opinion; and will be most inclined to allow due weight to the arguments which may be supposed to have produced it.

What, it may be asked, is the true spirit of the institution itself? Is it not designed as a method of national inquest into the conduct of public men? If this be the design of it, who can so properly be the inquisitors for the nation as the representatives of the nation themselves? It is not disputed that the power of originating the inquiry, or, in other words, of preferring the impeachment, ought to be lodged in the hands of one branch of the legislative body: will not the reasons which indicate the propriety of this arrangement, strongly plead for an admission of the other branch of that body to a share of the inquiry? The model, from which the idea of this institution has been borrowed, pointed out that course to the convention. In Great Britain, it is the province of the house of commons to prefer the impeachment; and of the house of lords to decide upon it. Several of the state constitutions have followed the example. As well the latter, as the former, seem to have regarded the practice of impeachments, as a bridle in the hands of the legislative body upon the executive servants of the government. Is not this the true light in which it ought to be regarded?

Where else, than in the senate, could have been found a tribunal sufficiently dignified, or sufficiently independent? What other body would be likely to feel confidence enough in its own situation, to preserve, unawed and uninfluenced, the necessary impartiality between an individual accused, and the representatives of the people, his accusers?
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[After presenting reasons why the Supreme Court should not be the place to try impeachments] These considerations seem alone sufficient to authorize a conclusion, that the supreme court would have been an improper substitute for the senate, as a court of impeachments. There remains a further consideration, which will not a little strengthen this conclusion. It is this: the punishment which may be the consequence of conviction upon impeachment, is not to terminate the chastisement of the offender. After having been sentenced to a perpetual ostracism from the esteem and confidence, and honours and emoluments of his country, he will still be liable to prosecution and punishment in the ordinary course of law. Would it be proper that the persons who had disposed of his fame, and his most valuable rights as a citizen, in one trial, should, in another trial, for the same offence, be also the disposers of his life and his fortune? Would there not be the greatest reason to apprehend, that error, in the first sentence, would be the parent of error in the second sentence? That the strong bias of one decision, would be apt to overrule the influence of any new lights which might be brought to vary the complexion of another decision? Those who know any thing of human nature, will not hesitate to answer these questions in the affirmative; and will be at no loss to perceive, that by making the same persons judges in both cases, those who might happen to be the objects of prosecution would, in a great measure, be deprived of the double security intended them by a double trial. The loss of life and estate would often be virtually included in a sentence which, in its terms, imported nothing more than dismission from a present, and disqualification for a future office. It may be said, that the intervention of a jury, in the second instance, would obviate the danger. But juries are frequently influenced by the opinions of judges. They are sometimes induced to find special verdicts, which refer the main question to the decision of the court. Who would be willing to stake his life and his estate upon the verdict of a jury, acting under the auspices of judges who had predetermined his guilt?"

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Saturday Serendipity (January 18, 2020)

Here are a few suggested reads for this weekend .  .  .

1.     Big news recently for anyone with roots in Ireland.  The Weekly Genealogist by NEHGS linked this week to the news that Irish birth, marriage, and death records are being made available to the public on-line at no charge.  Read about the details here.  

2.     And now a periodic reminder that Randy Seaver of Genea-Musings blog does genealogy buffs the great service of summarizing more than just his regular "Genealogy News Bytes" feature (the latest of which can be seen here).  Randy also takes the time to do periodic detailed summaries of added and updated record collections available for geneaology research.  This week he presents a long list of additions and updates at Family  Have a look here .  You might find it a useful tool to help focus your research and save you time in getting to the materials you want or need.  And you might discover record collections of which you were not previously aware.     

3.     My attention was grabbed this week by the opening Generation 1 summary in a "52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks" post by Elizabeth Handler of From Maine to Kentucky blog.  It was the last sentence that intrigued me and got me to read the entire post and then analyze the very helpful descent chart Elizabeth provided.  The sentence was, "Thomas and Anna [Stanton] had ten children, and I descend from their sons Joseph, Robert and Samuel."  My Mayflower descent from Richard Warren involves descent from two of his daughters, but descent from three brothers?  How does that work?  Read Elizabeth's post here and then look at her chart to track the path.    

4.     Peking to Beijing .  .  . Bombay to Mumbai .  .  . Burma to Myanmar and now Holland to Netherlands.  If you always referred to Amsterdam being in the Netherlands because you knew that technically Holland only refers to two of the twelve jurisdictions that make up the whole of the Netherlands, then you will not need to make the mental shift from Holland to Netherlands that is being instituted in 2020 by the country of Netherlands.  Read more about the reasons for the reprogramming underway by going here.  

5.     The Weekly Genealogist of NEHGS also linked to a fascinating story this week titled, "Back From The Dead."  It is about how a granddaughter's interest in genealogy led to her grandfather's trip to Israel's national museum of Holocaust commemoration at Yad Vashem to correct the record that had him as dead for more than sixty years; he was there to register himself as officially still alive and he was accompanied by eight newly discover Israeli and American relatives!  Read the full story here.

6.     And finally,  Peter Muise of the delightful blog NEW ENGLAND FOLKLORE, posted a very interesting piece about the two oldest Elm trees in the Western Hemisphere.  They were planted by John Hancock and you might be wondering about how they survived the infamous Dutch Elm disease.  Read Peter's post here to find out where the trees are located and why they have survived to this day. 

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Copyright 2020, John D. Tew

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Saturday, January 11, 2020

Saturday Serendipity (January 11, 2020)

Th following are a few suggested reads for this weekend:

1.     For readers with roots in western Massachusetts back in 1790, you will want to be aware of the publication of the 4th volume of "Western Massachusetts Families in 1790" by Helen Schatvet Ullmann.  You can learn more about the latest volume and the cost of a 590 page paperback version here.  The surnames included in this volume are : Baggs • Bardwell • Barton • Benson • Blodgett • Brown • Burbank • Campbell •Cleveland • Colman • Congdon • Converse • Cowles •Cranson • Curtis • Denison • Dole • French • Gleason • Hall • Hollis • Hull • Hunt • Kendall • Knox • Mack • Morton • Parsons • Phillips • Prince • Rawson • Robinson • Safford • Sanderson • Seward • Shattuck • Sherman • Smith • Spalding • Stebbins • Stockwell • Tower • Wait • Walker • Walton • Wells • Wilbur • Williams • Wright

2.     We have all probably smiled at times when faced with the first names of ancestors and wondered  how they came up with those names and were they very popular at the time.  Well, The Weekly Genealogist of NEHGS highlighted a piece that looks at the question.  Titled "The Science of Baby-Name Trends" you can read the article here.

3.     The Weekly Genealogist tagged another item of interest this week.  It seems that two of the men who signed the death warrant for English King Charles I (and who were allies of Oliver Cromwell) fled  to New England in May 1660 after Cromwell's death and the restoration of Charles II to the monarchy.  Read here about the men who fled to New England and what became of them.

4.     Marian Wood of Climbing My Family Tree blog posted a short, interesting piece titled, "Think Like an Enumerator."  It is in anticipation of the release of the 1950 Census just two years hence, BUT Marian also provides a link to the Urban & Rural Enumerator's Reference Manual.  You can read the post and the manual by going here.  Marian notes that in 1950 enumerators were told to get as much information as possible from a neighbor if no one was home at a given household and then note, "Information given by a neighbor," which obviously provides concern for the accuracy of the data because the enumerator was also advised there was no need to make a second visit to the previously unoccupied household.  It reminds me of a problem I encountered in the 1940 Census where there was no such cuation noted and the data were seriously wrong.  See,  Federal Censuses -- Purveyors of Alternative Facts? A Case Study.

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Copywrite 2020, John D. Tew
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Saturday, January 4, 2020

Saturday Serendipity (January 4, 2020)

Following a brief hiatus over the holidays, Saturday Serendipity returns this week and this new year with just a few recommended reads for the weekend.

1.     The most recent issue of The Weekly Genealogist newsletter by NEHGS provided a link to one of the more mystifying and disturbing stories tangentially related to possible DNA testing.  It involves the kidnapping of a newborn baby boy from the arms of his mother in a Chicago hospital by a woman posing as a maternity nurse back in 1964.  You can read the article here

2.     James Tanner of Genealogy's Star blog, who often posts thought-provoking pieces, has done it again with "Can you prove anything with historical records?"  Read his post here and see what you think. 

3.     Calendar books and contemplating one's "longevity" . . . Nancy Messier of My Ancestors and Me blog ruminates on the connections between the two as we enter a new year and a new decade.  Read her engaging post, "A Question of Longevity" here

4.     With 2020 marking the 400th anniversary of the landing of the Mayflower, interest in the Pilgrims and possible descent from the Mayflower passengers will be a hot topic throughout 2020.  To start the year of the Pilgrims off, Heather Rojo of Nutfield Genealogy blog posted "10 New Things to Know About Researching A Pilgrim in Your Family Tree."  Read her list here.  

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Copyright 2020, John D. Tew
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