Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Wordless Wednesday (June 25, 2013) -- We Begin Today To Make These Truths Self-Evident, That All Men and Women Are Created Equal . . .

. . . And That They Are Endowed By Their Creator With Certain Unalienable Rights,
That Among These Are Life, Liberty, and

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Red, White and Blue from Judy Russell at The Legal Genealogist based on permission she gave Brad there today -- and that appears to extend to others who celebrate with her.  Thank you Judy!

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Copyright 2013, John D. Tew
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1 comment:

  1. Was happy to read the Jett family came from Armagh.
    Do you have any helpful hints on how to access records for Armagh. My great, great grandparents came from there and I have no other information.
    They settled in Brewster, Ma an had 3 children. Would love to know more about the family.
    Your cousin from the Tew family,
    Barbara Messere
