Two days from now -- Wednesday, November 11, 2020 -- is Veterans Day.
Among the military Honor Roll memorials located in Wallingford, Connecticut on the grounds of the Town Hall is one for those who served (and in some cases died) in World War II. It is by far the most extensive memorial listing of veterans of war who lived in Wallingford. The list contains hundreds of names -- in fact so many that it will take several posts to get them all transcribed and published. This is the fifth post of names from the Wallingford WWII Memorial and the first since 2019.
[A post was not done in 2018 due to our relocation to New Jersey from Virginia.] This resumed listing will cover all the surnames in alphabetical order from M through Q, which comprises 395 names for this post. With this post, a total of 1,496 names will have been transcribed from the Wallingford, CT World War Two memorial -- and we still have surnames from R through Z to complete!
[For the first post listing the 244 surnames from this memorial that begin with A or B, please see the earliest post here. The second post listing the 298 surnames that begin with C through E can be viewed here. The third post listing 317 surnames that begin F through I can be viewed here. And the fourth post listing the 242 surnames J through L can be viewed here. ]
I know that finding a database of transcribed names is one thing for those who are searching for ancestors and relatives, but for those who cannot make a trip to see the actual memorial, a photograph of their family member's name would be a very useful gift for inclusion in a family genealogy; therefore, it is my intention to do a blog post shortly after posting each list of transcribed names to publish the photographs from which I worked to do the transcriptions. Please check back here periodically after you see a listed name of an ancestor or relative in a post and you will then be able to get a photograph of the name in a close-up of the memorial panel containing your family member's name.
For readers who take the time to scan the names, you will notice that unlike memorials for earlier wars there are a significant number of women listed on this memorial. Also, apart from the sheer number of names on this World War II memorial, one will note the wonderful ethnic diversity of the surnames in the lists. And there are a number of obvious family members listed so that it appears several possible brother, father/son, husband/wife, and cousin combinations are listed.
My father is listed on the World War II memorial in Wallingford since he briefly attended a year of post-high school education at Lyman Hall in Wallingford before he entered Kings Point, the United States Merchant Marine Academy. Prior to 1957 what is the present Town Hall was the Lyman Hall High School.
[1] I previously posted a close-up of a cropped section of names containing my father's listing
here. This post continues the transcription of the hundreds of other names that are honored on the World War II memorial. The transcription posts will be submitted as part of
Heather Rojo's wonderful Honor Roll project to create a searchable listing of all U.S. war veterans on memorials erected in this country.
One other point to make on this Veterans Day regarding memorials specific to World War Two veterans– the names on this and other WW II memorials around the country list members of what has often been called "The Greatest Generation." The names on these memorials recognize the hundreds of thousands of men and women who sacrificed years of their youth or middle age -- and in many cases their very lives -- to combat an undeniable evil. As we pause again this year to commemorate those members of the greatest generation who served and died in WW II, it is important to realize -- with respect to this particular memorial and so many others like it -- that almost all of the men and women named on WWII memorials are no longer with us. If they survived the war, the great majority have lived their lives and passed on. Very, very few remain with us today. Lift a glass on Thursday to all of those who made the ultimate sacrifice and to those who served!
Wallingford, Connecticut World War II Memorial
The names of the men and women honored on the Wallingford World War II memorial with surnames beginning with M through Q are as follows in alphabetical order within surname category and as read left to right across the columns . . .
Allen A. Macfarlane Ronald N. Macfarlane William N. Mackenzie
William P. Mackenzie, Jr. Frank C. Madar George E. Maddocks
George R. Magee, Jr. Herbert N. Magee John R. Magliola
Walter J. Mahalik John J. Maher Henry Majeski
Stanley F. Majeski Steven Majeski Eugene Malanchuk
Zanon Malanchuk James J. Malchiodi John L. Malchiodi
Louis P. Malchiodi William Malchiodi Douglas Maltby
Paul D. Manfredi Leonard P. Mangine Joseph R. Mangino
Joseph Mann George Marchand Burton Marczewski
Edward Markham Milton Markow Harry Markowitz
Herman Markowitz William Markowitz Lawrence Marotto
Patrick Marotto Walter G. Marshall William J. Marshall
Paul M. Martha Charles W. Martin, Jr. Francis E. Martin
Joseph J. Martin, Jr. C. J. Martineck Frank G. Martineck
John G. Martineck Joseph E. Martineck Paul R. Marunda
John R. Maslowski Domenico Massaro Frank W. Massaro
Peter J. Massaro Arthur E. Massey Alfred J. Massicotte
Charles J. Massores Joseph J. Massores William Massores
Wesley Maston Eugene F. Mataskiewicz George F. Matyas
John May, Jr. Henry J. Maziaz Roy E. McCabe
James H. McCall Edward J. McCarthy, Jr. Isadore E. McCarthy
Thomas McCormack Marvin H. McCune James J. McDonough
James D. McGaughey III Edward B. McGuire George F. McGuire
Thomas J. McKenna Charles McKeon Robert G. McKeon
Thomas M. McKeon Elwyn R. McKinstry George W. McKinstry
Bernard G. McLaughlin C. Miller McLaughlin Peter P. McLaughlin
Vincent McLaughlin Charles E. McLean Doris J. McLean
Frank R. McMahon Roger McMahon John McMullen
Robert E. McNulty Charles H. Meisinger, Jr. Vernon Meisinger
John A. Melillo James A. Mellor Jesse R. Mellor
Josephine E. Mellor Manuel Mendonca John J. Merlini
Edmund Merriam James B. Merrithew Stuart S. Merwin
John M. Messek John H. Meyer Andrew J. Mezzi
Gerald Mezzi John J. Mezzi Peter Mezzi
Leon J. Michon Theodore M. Michonski Walter Michonski
William J. Michonski Zymond S. Michonski Joseph Mickna
Steve J. Mickna Stanley F. Micoski Glenn Middlesworth
Edward R. Mielke John G. Mihovetz Aldolf V. Mikosz
Joseph Mikosz Walter S. Mikosz Frank J. Mikulski
Anthony Milewski Frank A. Milewski John A. Milewski
Anthony J. Milici E. Albert Miller John Y. Miller
Marvin S. Miller Milton H. Miller Roland J. Millville
Charles Misiaszek Earl Missell Louis W. Mitchell
Irving F. Mitchell Stanley R. Mitchell Anthony Moleon
David J. Molinari Edward C. Molinari Joseph J. Molinari
Herman J. Molzahn William F. Molzahn Simon Monchick
Clarence E. Monnell Andrew Montana George E. Montana
Michael Montana Joseph Montesi Alfred W. Moore
David C. Moore Nicholas C. More (Silagye) Anthony H. Morettini
Burt A. Morettini Vincent P. Morgan Charles J. Morganti
Rosario C. Morganti Salvatore R. Morganti Henry R. Morin
Maurice Morin Wilbert R. Morin William B. Morin
Andrew A. Morris Edward W. Morris Howard L. Morton
James H. Mulvey Craig D. Munson, Jr. Ralph B. Munson
John J. Murphy Thomas B. Murphy Edward S. Mushinsky
Fred C. Musso Julius J. Musso Henry R. Muszynski
Michael J. Muszynski Edward V. Myers Thaddeus J. Myers
Frank P. Naczi Harry G. Nadeau John Nagy
Julius J. Nagy Earl Naramore Frank P. Nasczniec
John D. Nasczniec Stanley J. Nasczniec George C. Navitsky
John R. Nearing Dominick M. Negri Joseph A. Negrini, Jr.
James R. Nehez, Jr. Ernest J. Nemeth Francis P. Nemeth
John Nemeth John Nesci Walter J. Neverovich
Eleuterio D. Neves Philip M. Nichols Elmer G. Nidermayer
John J. Nidermayer Victor A. Nidermayer, Jr. Edward Niedziela
Stanley Niedziela Theodore F. Niedziela Antonio Nobrega
Charles J. Nolan Robert J. Nolan Harry I. Nordgren
Safford M. North Austin Norton Frank E. Norton
John Norton Robert A. Norton Robert F. Norton
Charles Novak Henry L. Novak Joseph F. Novak
Stanley C. Novak Walter E. Novak Stanley J. Novak
Lucien G. Nowinski Paul Nowotenski Stanley R. Nowotenski
Frank Nyiri George A. Nyiri Julius J. Nyiri
William Nyiri Edward J. O'Connell Ralph C. O'Connell
Robert O'Connell Edgar O'Dell Robert C. O'Dell
George E. O'Donnell Robert J. O'Donnell Robert S. O'Neil
George T. O'Reilly Gerald J. O'Reilly William J. O'Reilly
Andrew L. Ohr, Jr. Edward G. Ohr Francis Ohr
William Ohr Alex Okoltowicz Joseph Okoltowicz
Stanley Okoltowicz John W. Olayos William G. Olayos
Arnold L. Olson Peter Orlando Salvatore Orlando
Henry R. Orlowski Joseph W. Orlowski John J. Oros
Robert S. Oros Bernard J. Orosz Frank A. Orosz, Jr.
Milan P. Orosz William Osborne Bernard Ostens
Joseph Ottaviano, Jr. Richard A. Otto Adrian Ouwerkerk
Pasquale J. Pacelli Charles W. Paden Mark T. Paden
Albert F. Padley, Jr. Gerald Pagano Oliver C. Page
Raymond G. Pagni Peter Pajor Louis F. Palmerini
John Palmero Tony Palmero Frank A. Palozie
Joseph S. Papallo Ralph Papallo Vincent P. Papallo
Nicholas A. Papp Francis A. Pappas Raymond F. Paquette
Joseph Pare Aldo J. Pareti Donald E. Parker, Jr.
William E. Parker Angelo A. Parla Donald Parlato
John J. Parylak Stanley J. Parylak Frank L. Pascale
George R. Pascale Stanley J. Pascion Henry Paski
Raymond M. Passerino Henry Patskoski Chester J. Patzkoski
Stanley T. Patzkoski Balint W. Pazary John R. Pazary
Eric W. Pearson, Jr. Wilbur P. Pelatzky Joseph S. Pelizza, Jr.
George W. Pellerin George A. Pelles Anthony J. Pelloni, Jr.
Louis Pelloni Thomas A. Pelloni Kurt S. Pelz
Albert A. Penci Joseph S. Penci Louis Penci, Jr.
Minnie F. Pendleton Irving Peretzman Darrel D. Perkins
Kendrick D. Perkins Arthur J. Perone Frank A. Perone
Louis Perone Ralph A. Perone George I. Peterson
Warren H. Peterson Carl Petho Kalman Petho
Fred L. Petrucelli Stanley Petrulewicz, Jr. Walter D. Petrulewicz
Joseph Pezik Paul Pezik Walter R. Pfeiffer
Edwin A. Philippi Edward J. Phoenix Joseph A. Piazza
Rosario Piazza Samuel D. Piazza Edwin N. Pierce
Montford T. Piercey Samuel D. Pierson Walter Pietras
Henry J. Pietruski Edward G. Pikor Frank J. Pikor
John J. Pikor Benjamin L. Pilla Salvatore Pilla
Walter J. Pinkowski Clarence H. Piper Clifford W. Piper
Joseph J. Pire Peter J. Pire Walter P. Pire
Adam H. Plotkin, Jr. Walter A. Pluta Aldo G. Poggio
Pasquale B. Poggio Edward G. Polanski Henry Polanski
John Polansky Michael Polansky John J. Pollack, Jr.
Joseph M. Polnar Walter F. Polnar Henry Poposki
John Popovich Stephen Popovich Charles E. Porter
Elson J. Porter William R. Porter Edward A. Porto
George John Porto Raymond L. Porto Conrad J. Posluszny, Jr.
Albert A. Post Thomas L. Post William F. Post
William J. Post Maurice W. Powers Louis J. Pranzetelli
Michael J. Pranzetelli Dominic Preira William J. Preisner
Henry B. Prickitt Arthur D. Prior John J. Prior
William W. Prior Archibald S. Prisk Leslie A. Prowse
William A. Pudvah, Jr. Karol Pulner John C. Purcell
William A. Purcell Stephen E. Puskas Frank J. Puspok (Bishop)
Joseph J. Puzone Peter G. Puzone, Jr. Vincent J. Pyskaty
Adolf S. Pzedpelski Henry E. Pzedpelski Isadore F. Quagliaroli
Joseph J. Quagliaroli Vernon J. Quarz Frank H. Quigley
Hugh F. Quigley Carroll C. Quimby
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[1] Lyman Hall (1724 - 1790) was born in Wallingford and served as a representative to the Continental Congress from Georgia. He was a signer of the Declaration of Independence and later served as a Governor of Georgia.
Photographs of the extensive list of names on the World War II memorial in Wallingford, Connecticut were provided to me for transcription by my cousin, Bruce O. Marquardt, of Wallingford. This transcription contribution would not have been possible without Bruce's very kind and willing efforts to make sure I had legible photos from which to do the transcriptions. THANK YOU BRUCE!
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Copyright 2020, John D. Tew
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