Wallingford, Connecticut Town Hall |
Among the Honor Roll memorials located on the grounds of the Wallingford, Connecticut Town Hall is one "Dedicated in Honor and in Memory of Those Men and Women of Wallingford Who Served in the World War 1917 - 1918." As we are on the eve of the 100th anniversary of the start of the so-called "war to end war," which began on July 28, 1914, it is appropriate that on this Veterans Day 2013 photographs of the full memorial and panel shots of the names of those Wallingford, Connecticut residents honored for their WWI service are featured in today's post.
The wording on this particular memorial is important to note because it points to the distinction between Memorial Day and Veterans Day here in the U.S. While Memorial Day is a day of remembrance for the men and women who died while serving, Veterans Day celebrates (as this memorial states) those who served.
In the British Commonwealth countries, November 11th is known as Poppy Day, Armistice Day, or Remembrance Day to remember the members of their service branches who died in the line of duty. It is celebrated on November 11th to recall the cessation of the hostilities of World War I "at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month." [That war formally ended with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles on June 28, 1919. Over 9 million servicemen from all sides were killed during WWI making it the fifth or sixth deadliest conflict in world history!]
Originally, November 11th was celebrated as "Armistice Day" in the United States too when President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed November 11, 1919 as a holiday so that "the reflections of Armistice Day will be filled with solemn pride in the heroism of those who died in the country's service . . . " In 1938 Congress passed legislation making November 11th a legal holiday each year "to be dedicated to the cause of world peace and to be thereafter celebrated and known as 'Armistice Day'." Then, in 1945, a veteran of World War II (Raymond Weeks from Alabama) decided Armistice Day should be broadened to remember and celebrate not only those who died in World War I, but it should celebrate and remember all veterans who served in the armed services of the United Sates. Dwight Eisenhower supported the idea of the expansion of Armistice Day and by act of Congress in 1954 "Veterans" replaced "Armistice" in the name of our November 11th holiday. It has been known as Veterans Day ever since and its intent is to celebrate and remember all veterans and not just hose who died in World War I or other wars.
The wording on this particular memorial is important to note because it points to the distinction between Memorial Day and Veterans Day here in the U.S. While Memorial Day is a day of remembrance for the men and women who died while serving, Veterans Day celebrates (as this memorial states) those who served.
In the British Commonwealth countries, November 11th is known as Poppy Day, Armistice Day, or Remembrance Day to remember the members of their service branches who died in the line of duty. It is celebrated on November 11th to recall the cessation of the hostilities of World War I "at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month." [That war formally ended with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles on June 28, 1919. Over 9 million servicemen from all sides were killed during WWI making it the fifth or sixth deadliest conflict in world history!]
Originally, November 11th was celebrated as "Armistice Day" in the United States too when President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed November 11, 1919 as a holiday so that "the reflections of Armistice Day will be filled with solemn pride in the heroism of those who died in the country's service . . . " In 1938 Congress passed legislation making November 11th a legal holiday each year "to be dedicated to the cause of world peace and to be thereafter celebrated and known as 'Armistice Day'." Then, in 1945, a veteran of World War II (Raymond Weeks from Alabama) decided Armistice Day should be broadened to remember and celebrate not only those who died in World War I, but it should celebrate and remember all veterans who served in the armed services of the United Sates. Dwight Eisenhower supported the idea of the expansion of Armistice Day and by act of Congress in 1954 "Veterans" replaced "Armistice" in the name of our November 11th holiday. It has been known as Veterans Day ever since and its intent is to celebrate and remember all veterans and not just hose who died in World War I or other wars.
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World War I Honor Roll Memorial (Wallingford, Connecticut -- November 2013) |
The following is an alphabetical list of about 560 men and women celebrated and remembered on the Wallingford, Connecticut World War I Honor Roll memorial. Every one of them is gone now, but they and their service are not forgotten!
Close-up photographs of the name panels on the memorial follow the list below, but be aware that the list is not entirely alphabetical as I have caught at least one error -- Lobb, Kenneth D. is out of order as he follows Myers, William H. on the name panels. Also, hard as it is to believe, there apparently are no veterans of WWI from Wallingford with surnames beginning with the letter "N."
[As the photographs of the name panels clearly show, some of the names are preceded by a star. The stars before a name indicate that the person named "died in service." Those who locate a name of an ancestor or relative on the following list, should also consult the name panel photographs to see if the ancestor's or relative's name is preceded by a star and therefore he or she "died in service."]
Abbott, George C. Ahearn, Eugene J. Altschuler, Maurice
Ames, Joseph C. Anderson, Oscar Anthony, Henry W.
Anthony, Robert Apamoutec, John J. Artioli, Enrico
Atkinson, Percy Backes, Clifford B. Backes, Edward B.
Backes, Raymond Backes, Roger O. Bailey, John W.
Bakanas, Karl Balough, Alex Bandero, Louis
Bannell, Walter S. Barry, Edward S. Bartek, John S.
Beaudoin, William L. Beaudoin, Zoel Beaumont, George B.
Beck, Jacob C. Becroft, Silas W. Beers, Philo E.
Bender, Bennie Benziger, Frederick C. Berdofsky, Louis J.
Bernardo, Claudio Bertini, Ralph E. Bertini, William DEF.
Bevans, Joseph J. Beverly, Theodore S. Blagbrough, Harry C.
Blanchard, Albert R. Blanchard, Ralph H. Blinn, William L.
Bolton, Raymond W. Bordeleau, William G. Borghi, Ernest C.
Bossidy, Francis W. Bossidy, James E. Bossidy, Joseph T.
Bremer, Ernest Brennan, John F. Brennan, William J.
Bridgett, Frank E. Bridgetts, James H. Briggs, Carlton D.
Briggs, Morton D. Bronsord, William J. Brooks, Edward C.
Brooks, Robert W. Brow, Arthur J. Brow, Robert R.
Brown, Ray Bruton, George Bruton, Leo
Bryson, Robert Buckley, William Bullis, Carlton G.
Bullis, Clifford N. Bullus, George R. Burghoff, Harrold R.
Burke, Bryant L. Burns, James P. Burns, William T.
Butler, Edmund V. Butler, William V. Caples, Jeremiah
Carey, Jesse G. Carmen, Edward F. Carroll, Francis W.
Carroll, John F. Carroll, William J. Carty, James F.
Case, Harold L. Casey, Edward J. Casey, Frank W.
Cassin, Matthew J. Cavalieri, Anthony R. Cavalieri, John Ceregioli, Peter Chapel, George Chase, Harry H. Chordas, Burton Clack, Albert E. Clark, Arthur H.
Clark, Louis N. Clarke, Felix W. Clement, Henry J.
Coffey, John G. Coffey, Richard J. Comerford, John E.
Comerford, Patrick J. Condon, Joseph H. Condon, Robert W.
Cook, Frank D. Cook, George E. Cooper, James W.
Corcoran, Frank Cottrill, John R. Jr. Coughlin, Edward J.
Cowles, Philip B. Craig, G. Ludlow Crossley, William
Curran, Timothy E. Curran, William F. Cushman, Raymond J.
Daly, Edward T. Daly, George J. Daly, John E.
Davis, John T. Davis, Ralph L. Deghello, Alexander S.
Degnan, Joseph F. Delaney, Irving J. Delaney, Raymond E.
Delehanty, Helen Delehanty, Robert T. Della Vecchia, Michele
Del Rosso, Leo F. Del Rosso, Margaret V. Del Rosso, Raymond L.
Dembizak, Charles Dembizak, John K. Dembroski, Teddy
Deming, Harry C. Des Jardins, Louis A. Dineen, Gerald
Docker, William Doehr, William F. Dondero, Frank
Dontigny, George Dorau, Conrad O. Doty, Helen
Dougan, Clarence Dougan, John M. Down, Helen
Downey, George J. Downey, John E. Doyle, Frank P.
Driver, Wiliiam H. Drum, Francis P. Drum, Veronica
DuBois, Dennis O. DuBois, George A. DuBois, William D.
Dunn, Walter Dwyer, Michael W. Elovetsky, Stanley
Eriksen, Arthur Eylward, James E. Fassio, Bartolomio
Fassio, Mario Feinblum, Nathan Ferriere, Edward D.
Fields, Charles L. Filippo, Louis J. Filippo, Roxy
Fitzgerald, Edmund P. Flechsig, Edwin A. Fleming, Joseph P.
Ford, Sidney Ford, William E. Francis, Edward B.
Francis, William H. Fredericks, David H. Friderich, Roland C.
Fritz, Frank Fritz, Harry F. Furniss, Clarence V.
Gallagher, Joseph F. Gallagher, Thomas P. Gammons, Charles, W.
Gannon, John J. Gardner, Edgar E. Gardner, George A.
Gargaly, Frank A. Gargaly, Stephen J. Gariepy, Clifford J.
Gaudette, William F. Gawaski, Joseph B. Gentile, Vincent
Gibbs, William H. Gillooly, Thomas J. Gingras, Richard H.
Goff, Clarence H. Goldstein, Abe Granucci, Henry N.
Graser, Frank K. Grasser, Raymond F. Griffin, James D.
Griffith, John Griswold, Harold M. Gross, Henry J.
Gross, John A. Guilbeault, Gilbert Hackbarth, Robert R.
Hackbarth, Rudolph Hadrick, Joseph Hajdu, Albert
Hall, Randolph Hall, Theodore P. Hamill, Leroy F.
Hammerly, Herman J. Harrington, Raymond T. Harrington, Timothy J.
Hartlein, George H. Hartman, Carl W. Hartman, Frank
Hassett, Charles Hassett, Ethel W. Hassett, George H.
Hayden, Frank L. Hayden, John E. Hayden, Raymond F.
Heath, Walter R. Heaton, William C. Heilman, Norman
Hemenway, Courtenay Hems, Robert P. Hennessy, John P.
Hennessey, Dennis J. Hennessey, Norinne J. Hennessey, Robert
Herlach, Mathias A. Herr, Earl H. Heslin, Charles T.
Heslin, James F. Hill, George E. Hillbom, Erik A.
Hillbom, Ralph Hillbom, Waldo S. Hinckley, Clayton
Hinckley, Stanley R. Hiob, Emil R. Hodgkinson, Harold D.
Holroyd, William C. Hopkins, Charles Hopkins, Russell N.
Hotchkiss, Charles Houlihan, Robert A. Houson, Maxwell M.
Howe, Ernest Howe, George M. Howe, William L.
Hubbell, Harry R. Hunt, Stanley D. Ives, Clifford G.
Ives, Harold, R. Jacek, Martin James, Albert S.
Jeralds, Chester W. Jeralds, Louis B. Jionette, Harry
Johnson, Wilbur H. Judd, Howard S. Kane, Charles H.
Kane, Charles M. Kane, John W. Karpie, John
Keeler, Harold Kelly, Edward W. Kelly, Frederick B.
Kelly, James C. Kelly, John J. Kelly, John W.
Kelly, Robert P. Kelly, Thomas F. Kennedy, James G.
Kennedy, Michael F. Kenney, Michael J. Kenney, Peter
Kepes, Elizabeth B. Kershaw, Frank Kershaw, William H.
Killen, Albert E. Kirkby, Ernest Kiviatowski, Alexander
Knopf, William H. Knowlton, Norman B. Knox, John B.
Konopka, Stanley Kowalski, Stephen S. Kowalski, William J.F.
Krajewski, Benjamin Krajewski, William P. Krupp, Harry A.
Kuczmarski, Joseph Kumnick, Frank A. La Course, Omar
La Croix, Arthur Lacy, James E. Laden, James J.
Lahaika, Iafrem Lane, Harold B. Lanquette, Daniel W.
Latham, Thomas J. Lathrop, Stanley P. Latourunes, Ambrose
Law, William H. Lengyel, Andrew Leonard, John A.
Leveille, Wilbrod J. Liedke, Walter W. Lindauer, Bernard J.
Logan, Robert J. Loiko, Vincent Loomis, Fred B.
Loughlin, Edward J. Loughlin, William P. Lounsbury, Charles
Lucas, Orville, W. Lufbery, Raoul Lufbery, Rene N.
Lukazevich, Walter Maddocks, Harold J. Magatte, Joseph
Magee, George R. Malchiodi, Louis Malmquist, Almar C.
Malmquist, Eric C. Malmquist, Harold C. Malmquist, Nils C.
Malmquist, Olof C. Manfreda, Maelis Mansfield, A. Irving
Mansfield, Woodford S. Marc Aurele, Donald Marcewski, Roman
Marckoon, Paul P. Margolin, Benjamin Maxted, Thomas A.
May, John E. McCune, Clarence C. McDonald, Norval H.
McElrath, Leland F. McErlean, Laurance McGahie, Alton H.
McGahie, Douglas S. McGarra, Edward G. McGarry, Edward H.
McGaughey, James D. McKenzie, Alexander M. McKeon, James M.
McKerness, William J. McKnight, Arthur McKnight, Orren B.
McLaughlin, Francis J. McLaughlin, Thomas J. McNulty, Patrick J.
Mellor, George W. Merchant, John J. Mezzel, Joseph
Michalke, Albert H. Milcke, Alan W. Milici, Salvatore
Mitchell, George C. Molinari, Guiseppe Moran, John J.
Morgan, Oscar Moulton, Guy E. Mounsey, William
Munson, Craig D. Murphy, James J. Murphy, John J.
Murphy, Thomas J. Murray, James Myers, Harold T.
Myers, Ray C. Myers, William H. Lobb, Kenneth D.
O'Brien, Frederick C. O'Brien, Robert E. O'Brien, William B.
O'Callaghan, John M. O'Connell, Benedict M. O'Connell, Helen
O'Connell, Mark E. O'Dea, James Ohr, Andrew L.
Ollayos, Frank W. O.Neill, Maurice F. Paden, Thomas J.
Pagnam, Robert B. Pagnam, Thomas J. Parker, Sherman C.
Partridge, James P. Paskiewicz, Alexander Passerino, John B.
Pattee, Katherine C. Patterson, James P. Patzkoska, Edward J.
Payden, Charles F. Payden, John F. Pender, David E.
Perry, Maurice R. Peterson, Reuben E. Phelan, Celestin G.
Phelan, Paul A. Philippi, John R. Phoenix, William J.
Pinsker, Joseph Poggio, Secondo Porter, Leslie A.
Porto, Francis Powers, John J. Powers, Maurice
Powers, Ralph H. Powers, William E. Powers, William J.
Prageman, Irving H. Pratt, William A. Prizzi, Alphonse
Quiggley, Francis H. Quinlan, John P. Quinlivan, Thomas F.
Quinn, Edward J. Quinn, Harry T. Quinn, James J.
Quinn, William P. Reed, Albert Reed, Kenneth T.
Reilly, George Reilly, James C. Reilly, William T.
Rice, Augustus A. Riley, Edward Riley, John J.
Riley, John Joseph Riotte, Harry C. Riotte, Joseph A.
Riotte, William P. Roberge, Romeo J. Robinson, John T.
Roche, Leo H. Roche, Robert E. Rogan, Charles V.
Rogan, John J. Rogan, William F. Rogers, Frank D.
Rogers, William J. Rohowsky, Albert Rosene, Hilmer
Roslund, Harry O. Rovegno, Frank P. Rowdie, Carime T.
Rushworth, Edwin Rushworth, William Russell, Donald G.
Russell, Donato Satton, John J. Scheffer, Carl W.
Schenker, Andrew Schmitter, Ernest Schultz, Albert J.
Schultz, August A. Schultz, Joseph P. Scott, Earl W.
Seichter, Adolph Self, Bert A. Semenza, Bernard
Semrau, Albert H. Shaw, John T. Shaw, Stanley
Sheehan, Albert T. Sheehan, Mark T. Sheehy, Henry P.
Sheehy, John J. Shipke, John Simon, Charles W.
Simone, Joseph A. Sinon, Thomas P. Sizer, S. Oliver
Skovinski, Paul P. Small, Harold A. Smith, Alfred
Smith, Charles E. Smith, Charles H. Smith, Clarence R.
Smith, Floyd Smith, Howard L. Smith, Martin H.
Smith, Wilbur W. Smith, William Spolite, Dominick F.
St. Arnauld, William J. St. Cartier, Lucien F. Stearns, C. Edmund
Stearns, Harold T. Steele, George Steiniger, Joseph M.
Stevens, Maltby Stimpson, Charles Stimpson, Robert W.
Stone, Thomas D. Stone, William J. Stuart, Roy F.
Sullivan, Francis P. Sullivan, James F. Sutton, James J.
Szad, Carl C. Szad, Edward H. Talbot, Milton A.
Tassmer, Peter P. Taylor, Edmund P. Taylor, John H.
Terrell, Charles W. Terrell, Willard F. Tierney, Charles A.
Tierney, Patrick H. Torrey, Arthur F. Toth, John
Totz, Robert Townsend, Bernard W. Townsend, William W.
Trabold, Edward R. Turner, Fred I. Tuttle, Harry W.
Twing, Raymond Twiss, George R. Uniacke, Charles L.
Uniacke, Ralph R. Valenti, Alfred Vollhardt, Edwin C.
Vollhardt, Philip H. Wahl, Edward Wallace, Floyd
Wallace, Truman A. Ward, William W. Warren, William S.
Way, Chauncey O. Wendelken, Frederick Werner, Frederick
Werner, Gustave F. Werpechowski, Stanley Wheelock, Richsrd L.
Whitehouse, Wilson H. Whiton, Edward L. Wilcox, Harry W.
Wilkes, Robert E. Wilkins, Harold S. Williams, Arnold
Williams, Frank B. Williams, Horace P. Williams, Russell F.
Wooding, Kenneth E. Wooding, Raymond F. Wrinn, Charles M.
Wrinn, Edward C. Wrinn, Frank T. Wrinn, James E.
Wrynn, William F. Wustrack, Edward B. Wustrack, Frederick
Zagata, John Zimmer, John
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Image of the Veterans Day poster for 2013 is in the public domain as a work prepared by an officer or employee of the United States as part of that person's official duties. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Veterans_Day_2013_Poster.jpg
All Memorial photographs by, and courtesy of, Bruce O. Marquardt.
Photograph of Wallingford Town Hall by the author.
Honor Roll name transcription by the author.
To learn more about World War I, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_I . To learn more about the history of Armistice Day and Veterans Day in the United States, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Veterans_Day and the links there to Armistice Day and Remembrance Day in other countries.
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Copyright 2013, John D. Tew
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Wonderful post John!
ReplyDeleteThank you Jana! I could not have done it without my cousin Bruce volunteering to take the photos of the Honor Roll memorials in Wallingford for me to use in this new series of posts to participate in Heather Rojo's wonderful Military Honor Roll Project. I plan to (no pun intended) roll out photos and name transcriptions of the WWII, Korean and Vietnam memorials over time.