Militia muster Order to Eber Miller for September 28, 1840 |
Following up on a previous post
here about my 3rd great grandfather, Eber Miller, being ordered to muster with the Rhode Island militia in 1840, this week I post a scanned image of the original 1840 Order for September 28, 1840, which is also in my collection of family artifacts.
The Order depicted above follows a September 7, 1840 Order for Eber to muster on September 16, 1840. This second Order differs in format -- being a handwritten Order on a "fill in the blank" form, whereas the earlier Order was a completely printed form with only Eber's full name supplied via handwriting. The "Warning Officer" is the same Aaron F. Tucker on both Orders. The "Commandant" on both Orders is also the same Henry J. Morris, but in the first Order Mr. Morris is stated to be "Ensign and Commandant," whereas in the second Order he appears to now be Captain. The name of CAPT Daniel C. Mowry, who ordered the earlier muster, is absent from this second Order.
Curiously, this second Order also states a fine amount of $7 and 00 Cts., whereas no fine amount was stated in the first Order. It is not clear if the fine -- being in brackets -- is stating the amount of a fine for failure to show, OR if, perhaps, it is stating a fine amount for Eber's failure to show at the muster twelve days earlier.
The above Order reads as follows . . .
Mr. Eber Miller
SIR -- You are hereby required to appear at the in [sic] of Davis
Cook 2 in Cumberland
on 28th day of Sept at 8 o'clock A M., armed and
equipped as the law directs, for martial exercise and inspection, and there await
further orders.
By order of the Commandant Henry J. Morris captain
[Fine, $ 7 00 Cts.] Aaron F. Tucker Warning Officer.
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The scanned image of the September 28, 1840 muster Order is from the original in the collection of the author.
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Copyright 2013, John D. Tew
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